Casual Walk For Diabetes Scheduled For Oct. 15 In Derby

DERBY — On Saturday, October 15th, at 12:00 PM — 3:00 PM, the Derby Centennial Lion’s Club together with Griffin Hospital: Mary Swansiger, BSN, MPH, Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist, will host the fourth annual, STRIDES, ​“Casual Walk for Diabetes” event. 

This is the first year it is being held on the Derby GREEN. Notably, Griffin Hospital will be present to offer FREE, A1C blood diabetes testing for pre-qualified participants, on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

Also, enjoy FREE live music donated by the Paula Pettinella Band; free bottled water, sugar-free Apple Cider and fruit. T‑Shirts are on Sale with proceeds to go to the Derby Lions Club. The course is the perimeter of the Derby Green with staff on hand to monitor mileage. WINPRIZE for best Halloween Costume!

At this time, we hope to provide diabetes testing for each and every pre-qualified individual who feels that they may have high blood sugars. 

Please find this same information on the Derby City Hall Website! 

Remarkably, it was due to Griffin Hospital’s FREE A1C diabetes testing in 2018, that one Lion’s Club Officer was tested and discovered that she had pre-diabetes’ with a 6.4 borderline blood sugar result. Seeking help, she turned to Griffin Hospital. Soon, this level was reversed down to 5.6 blood sugar results over a period of time, with the combined help of Griffin Hospital Glucose Zone and also the Griffin Hospital and the Diabetes Education and Support Group.

Please note that in the event that you or someone you know are diagnosed with Pre-diabetes or Diabetes, Griffin Hospital in Derby offers wonderful resources. They offer programs including: Diabetes Prevention Program, Diabetes Self-Management Program, Glucose Zone Exercise Program and Diabetes Education and Support Group. These programs may be able to help you reverse and/or control your blood sugars to a more manageable level.

For information and updates, call Susan Lanzaro-Schroeder, Strides Walk Chair at (203) 633‑3623 or email at Also, see the Derby Centennial Lion’s Club Facebook or Website.

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