St. Michael’s Post 1562 Catholic War Veterans (CWV) recently held a communion breakfast following the 8 a.m. Mass.
Members of Paugassett Hook & Ladder Co. No.4 prepared the breakfast as members of the CWV Ladies Auxiliary served the attendees.
Post veterans and social members were surprised during an awards ceremony at the Post.
Along with awards of merit for involvements at the Post the highlight of the event was to honor Veteran Members who have 50 years or more continuous service at the Post.
Pictured here front row left to right CT CWV Commander Mike Ranno, Post 1562 1st Vice Commander Tom Budd. 2nd row Joe Palmucci, Eugene Gorzelany. 3rd row Frank Kocol, DanWaleski, Andy Wysowski. 4th row Frank Dobek, Stanley Sobol, Post1562 Commander Tom Voytek, Charlie Stockmal, CT 2nd Vice CommanderMike Kasinskas and Chester Bak.
Honorees attending the breakfast but not pictured here were Post 1562 Charter Member Leonard Witek, Stanley Muzyk, Adam Kopec, J. Robert Piekarski.
Photo and text by Markanthony Izzo