Charlie, We Were Worried About You!


Look at the good boy!

SHELTON — Charlie, the bulldog who went missing after running away scared from the Derby-Shelton fireworks show July 3, was found alive Wednesday, according to posts on Facebook.

“The BEST news ever!!!,” a post on the Shelton Animal Shelter’s Facebook read at 2:12 p.m. Wednesday. ​“Charlie is Safe!”

The dog, missing for just over a month, was found in a ravine somewhere off Bridgeport Avenue in Shelton by a young couple, according to the animal shelter.

“Charlie has been FOUND!,” owner and Shelton resident Aimee Artes confirmed.

The missing dog became a local cause after Artes started sharing posts on social media last month explaining Charlie’s disappearance.

The story was especially sad because the Artes have two young daughters, Ava and Allie, who were obviously heartbroken by his disappearance. One of the girls appeared in a video on Facebook pleading for her dog’s return. It was tough to watch.

(The Shelton Animal Shelter post is embedded below)

While images of Charlies were circulated thousands of times online, Internet gatekeepers also went out of their way to shame the family for bringing a dog to a fireworks show, even though the family had acknowledged the mistake. In fact, a few know-it-alls were still pointing out the obvious on social media after the dog had been found.

Many, or at least the guy typing this summary, assumed some sketchy folks had simply found Charlie wandering and decided to keep him, Artes family be damned.

But in the end, the good has apparently outweighed the bad, and Charlie is on his way back to the family who loves him.

Here’s the embedded Facebook posting showing the happy reunion:

“You don’t know me but been following your story from Vegas! I’m a furmom too so been hoping and praying you would get Charlie back. So so happy for you! God bless!” said a woman on Aimee Artes’ Facebook page.

Keep local reporting alive.