Chief: Woodbridge Animal Control Arrest Won’t Impact Derby

FILEDerby’s police chief says a Woodbridge animal control officer’s arrest on an animal cruelty charge probably won’t impact animal control services in Derby, which contracts with Woodbridge to covers animal-related calls. 

The Woodbridge officer, Karen Lombardi, 59, surrendered to police Monday (April 8) after learning a warrant had been issued for her arrest on a single count of animal cruelty.

It (the arrest) doesn’t involve our department or any service provided to us,” Police Chief Narowski said Tuesday (April 9).

Lombardi is accused of slamming a small dog against a wall in a November incident witnessed by two co-workers, according to the New Haven Register’s Neal McNamara.

Last year Derby contracted with Woodbridge to handle animal-related calls after Derby’s part-time animal control officer walked off the job.

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Narowski said Tuesday that the arrest probably wouldn’t mean any changes to Derby’s arrangement with Woodbridge, since Woodbridge has two animal control officers.

Still, he said he would talk with Woodbridge officials to find out more.

I haven’t had a chance to discuss it with them yet,” Narowski said. I don’t believe it will impact our service right now, but I have to coordinate with them on exactly what happened.”

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