Derby City Hall
DERBY — The following information was distributed Jan. 5 by Derby City Hall:
Derby Residents should expect to receive their 2020 Real Estate Property Tax Revaluation notices via US Mail during the week of January 4, 2021.
Property owners wishing to have their new assessment reviewed may do so by scheduling an appointment.
Meetings will be held over the phone by appointment only from Monday January 11, 2021 to Wednesday January 20 2021. Please do not call the Assessor’s Office for an appointment.
Instructions on how to make a phone appointment will be included in your notice. All appointments need to be scheduled by Friday, January 15, 2021.
If you wish to appeal your assessment after the informal hearing process is complete, you must file a written appeal to the Derby Board of Assessment Appeals ON OR BEFORE February 19, 2021.
Applications can be found on the Derby Assessor’s Website by clicking on this link – https://www.derbyct.gov/media/BAA%20form-2020.pdf or can be obtained upon request to the Assessor’s Office.
Real Estate Property Tax Revaluation is mandated by Connecticut General Statutes and must be performed every four years by each municipality.
Additional questions may be directed to the Assessor’s Office at 203.736.1455.