SHELTON — The employees at Blue Acorn ICI are hosting a clothing drive Saturday and Sunday in memory of an employee who passed away the week before Christmas.
The employee went out of his way to help others, according to a message sent to The Valley Indy from one of the organizers.
The clothing drive is scheduled for Saturday (Jan. 23) and Sunday (Jan. 24) from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Blue Acorn ICI is at 20 Constitution Boulevard South.
“If you have any unwanted clothing — coats, boots, scarves, hats, anything that might help someone in need — please bring it to us,” an organizer said in a message. “We will also take any types of donations for furry friends as well. I hope this can be a tremendous success. Thank you so very much to all who already donated and thank you in advance for your donations to come.”