Constitution Week Coming To Derby

Photo: City of DerbyDerby Mayor Tony Staffieri proclaimed Sept. 17 – 23, 2010 as Constitution Week. 

Sept. 17, 2010 marks the 223rd anniversary of the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.

Our Constitution is the cornerstone of our freedoms. American colonists fought, sacrificed and died to establish and preserve the freedoms now guaranteed to us by the Constitution of the United States. We owe a debt to these past heroes and to our present heroes, our service men and women who willingly sacrifice everything so that we all can remain free.

Mayor Staffieri noted that the U.S. Constitution is the oldest constitution still in active use in the world today and is the basic document of our republic, which protects the individual liberties of all citizens through written law. 

Mayor Staffieri presented the Constitution Week Proclamation to Regent Barbara Wells and Veterans Services Committee Chair Judy Savary, members of the Sarah Riggs Humphreys-Mary Silliman Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution.

In honor of the start of Constitution Week, several churches in the area will ring their bells on Friday, Sept. 17. Regent Wells reminds us to listen for the Bells of Freedom proclaiming the ratification of the US Constitution 223 years ago.

The DAR perpetuates the memory and spirit of the men and women who won American independence. The group also helps maintain historic state properties. Any woman over 18 who can prove an ancestor served in the American Revolution is a prospective member. 

For more information on the DAR go online at or call Sarah Riggs Humphreys-Mary Silliman Chapter Regent Barbara Wells at 203 – 550-9643.

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