A screen shot from a video taken during the eating contest in 2011.
ANSONIA — After a two-year hiatus, the city is bringing back one of its most fun and time-honored traditions to usher in Fat Tuesday.
That’s right, the annual paczki eating contest is making a triumphant return at 9 a.m. Tuesday Feb. 16.
If you have the stomach for it and want to participate, you must call the Mayor’s office at 203 – 736-5900 by 12 p.m. Friday (Feb. 12). Gift cards and prizes will be awarded to the first, second and third place winners who can down the most paczkis in five minutes.
Because the normal contest venue — Eddy’s Bake Shop — closed in 2019, Mayor David Cassetti decided to host the event at the Ansonia Armory, located at 4 State St., this year.
“It’s important for the community to have a little fun,” Cassetti said. “Everything is so serious right now, and this provides a nice diversion. I want our Ansonia residents to watch and enjoy and take their mind off some of the more serious issues we face for an hour or so.”
Cassetti said the contest will be held with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in mind. Ansonia’s daily two week COVID-19 infection rate per capita has fallen in recent weeks, though the virus is still circulating. The per capita rate was 31.3 as of last Thursday. Thirty-six percent of Ansonia residents over the age of 75 have received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. According to the state health department, 6.8 percent of the overall population has received the first dose.

The Armory will only be open to contestants, and a small number of guests to cheer them on, Cassetti said. Masks are required, but will be removed by contestants to scoff down the overstuffed, fruit-filled doughnuts.
Two contestants will be seated per six-foot table, according to Greg Martin, the city’s director of constituent services, and will be seated at opposite ends of each table.
The contest was started more than two decades ago by the former owners of Eddy’s, the Ciocca brothers, who wanted to emulate how Polish-Americans celebrate the day before Lent.
Paczkis are Polish, jelly doughnut-like confections traditionally eaten on Mardi Gras, also known as Fat Tuesday, and refers to the custom of eating rich, fatty foods before Lent, which begins the day after on Ash Wednesday.
The doughnuts can weigh up to a half pound, especially when packed with fillings like lemon, black raspberry, strawberry, prune and custard.
Cassetti may partake this year. He’s no stranger to these events, and has regularly taken part in neighboring Seymour’s taco-eating contest celebrating Cinco de Mayo, which raises money for TEAM, Inc.’s Meals on Wheels program.
“I may participate this year because there may be less participants and more of a chance for me to win,” Cassetti quipped.
Cassetti also plans to challenge former Seymour First Selectman Kurt Miller, who is now Ansonia’s chief financial officer, to sign up, as well as other Valley mayors and officials.
“I’d personally like to extend a challenge to the other Valley Mayors and First Selectmen and to their aldermen and selectmen right now,” Cassetti said. “I have confidence that I can beat every one of them, especially with my pizza and taco eating experience.”
Ansonia’s Aldermanic President Josh Shuart is planning to make a return appearance this year.
Here’s video from the 2016 contest:
“I’ve competed against a lot of professional eaters and record holders over the years, which has been interesting to say the least,” Shuart said. “You could attribute my participation to equal parts competitiveness and a love of paczkis. I think my best performance over the years was about 9. I must be a glutton for punishment, because I will continue doing this until I come out on top someday. At worst, I always get a very filling breakfast on Fat Tuesday.”
The public will be able to tune into the event via a Facebook live event or via Zoom, and can stay tuned to the City of Ansonia’s Facebook page for further details.