Criminal Charges Soon In Ansonia PTO Theft

Ansonia police plan to pursue criminal charges in an alleged theft of funds from the John G. Prendergast School Parent Teacher Organization. 

We are still working on the case, but we will be pursuing criminal charges in the near future,” Lt. Andrew Cota said in an e‑mail Friday. 

The department does not have a warrant in the case yet, Cota said. 

The investigation focuses on one suspect, who has not been named. 

Cota said the investigation is looking at possible larceny charges.

He wouldn’t specify how much money was reported missing, but said it was in the thousands of dollars.”

Police received a complaint in February alleging money may have been misappropriated or was missing from the organization.

The police department received the complaint from Ansonia schools Superintendent Carol Merlone, after the allegation was brought to her attention.

The investigation has involved going through paperwork from the bank.

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