Prosecutors are still reviewing police reports on the Cumberland Farms attack in Shelton from June 1.
Justin Bonner, 24, the man accused of kidnapping and then assaulting a 46-year-old female clerk at the store, made a brief appearance at Superior Court in Milford Wednesday morning.
His case was continued until Aug. 5.
States Attorney Kevin D. Lawlor said prosecutors are still gathering information for the case.
“When we have it all together, we can take the next step,” Lawlor said after the brief court appearance. ​“The case is still in its preliminary stages.”
The prosecution is reviewing whether to charge Bonner as a persistent, violent offender.
Bonner told police he was high on ​“angel dust” when he allegedly dragged the store clerk out of the store, stuffed her in the trunk of his car and then severely beat her with soda cans and other objects.
Read an article with details from the arrest report here.
Police arrested Bonner on June 2, after several people called police and identified Bonner as the person in the surveillance footage released to the public.
He was charged with first-degree kidnapping and first-degree assault, both felony charges.
Shelton police said there may be more charges pending. The victim told police she believed she was raped during the attack.
A group of young women had attended Bonner’s arraignment, sobbing during the short court procedure. Bonner had mouthed ​“I’m sorry” to the group during that appearance.
On Wednesday, no one was present in the court room to support Bonner.
As he was escorted into the room by marshals, Bonner scanned the court room before looking down at the table where he stood.
There also did not appear to be any family members of the victim in the courtroom.
Bonner remains held on a $500,000 bond.