Derby All-Class Reunion Is Saturday

CONTRIBUTEDWith Derby’s All-Class Reunion approaching this Saturday September 4th, 2010, one former Derby High School student, Dan Allen took the initiative to create a Facebook page to help connect classmates throughout all the Decades.”

Facebook, let alone the internet, is something the earlier years classmates may not have ever conceived of while classmates of recent years may not be able to imagine a world without it. 

With a push of a button, classmates literally around the world can remain in contact. 

As of this writing, there are 295 members (or friends) on the Derby High School All-Class Reunion site. 

Many may not know each other at this point but all have that common connection of either graduating from Derby High School or knows someone who has and now can remain connected. 

This website could also be helpful for classmates running their individual reunions as a way a possibly finding other classmates. 

Click here to see the Facebook page. 

Become a friend and check it out. 

This year it had been suggested to condense the meeting place venues with a suggested time of 7pm. 

Classes from the 70s decade and earlier will meet at the Derby Elks Lodge (203 – 735-1142) and the 80s decade and later will meet at Archie Moores (203 – 732-3255). 

Both venues are located on Elizabeth Street and all classmates are free to mix and mingle at all locations. 

Photos from previous All-Class Reunions can be found at the Derby web page and older DHS photos can be found at the FB link. 

There is no cover charge at each venue. Menus and entertainment vary at each venue. 

Visit Derby’s website to view more information about the all-class reunion. 

Click here to view photos from last year’s reunion. 

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