Derby Board Of Aldermen/Alderwomen Candidate Daniel Blizman

DERBY — The Valley Indy emailed general questions to the candidates running for the Board of Aldermen/Alderwomen in the City of Derby.

The questions were sent Sept. 25 to the political party chairmen of the Democratic and Republican parties. They were asked to distribute the questions to the candidates.

The deadline to respond was Oct. 16.

The Valley Indy is publishing all responses received by the deadline.

Candidate for the Third Ward on the Democratic line

Years lived in Derby: Four

High School: Platt Tech – HVAC

Current Employment: Self employed, HVAC contractor. 

Civic groups/community service involvement: 4H, Durham Fair Foundation

Job experience that could help you be an Alderman/Alderwoman?
Working for myself, I am a bookkeeper, salesman, secretary, dispatcher, and technician. All of these hats I’ve had to wear will directly benefit me in this position.” 

Why are you running for the Derby Board of Aldermen/Alderwomen?
Frankly, I’m running out of frustration. For too long, not enough has been done to better this great city and bring us to the table, so to speak. Derby has it all — two rivers, plenty of space, plenty of access… and far too much of it is being wasted.” 

In your personal opinion, what are the two biggest challenges facing the City of Derby?
The two biggest challenges I see are the fiscal mismanagement of the current administration hindering our appeal to both the state and potential investors, and breathing life back into downtown. There are a lot of great minds on the Democratic Team this election cycle, ready to handle both issues.”

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