DERBY — The Valley Indy emailed general questions to the candidates running for the Board of Aldermen/Alderwomen in the City of Derby.
The questions were sent Sept. 25 to the political party chairmen of the Democratic and Republican parties. They were asked to distribute the questions to the candidates.
The deadline to respond was Oct. 16.
The Valley Indy is publishing all responses received by the deadline.
Incumbent candidate for the Second Ward on the Republican line
Spouse/children: Spouse, David Browning. Between us we have four children, six grandchildren and two great grandchildren
Years lived in Derby: Six
Employment: State Certified CNA \ private duty
Civic groups/community service:
Catholic War Veterans Post 1562 Auxiliary President 10+yrs
Derby / Shelton Parade committee
Founded “ Keep Our Kids Warm “ coat drive
Gov’t experience:
Board of Alderman/Alderwomen, subcommittees Road Bond Committee, Community Relations, tax incentive program committee
Job experience that could help you be an Alderman/Alderwoman?
“As Catholic War Veterans Auxiliary President I take the needs and concerns seriously of our Veterans and put them at the forefront.
As an Alderwoman I do the same for my Ward and all Residents of Derby. I take all comments and concerns to heart and I have an open door policy.”
Why are you running for the Derby Board of Aldermen/Alderwomen?
“I am running because I feel I’ve proven to be an asset on the Board and I want to be part of the progress that we are continuing to make.”
There are many challenges that I feel need to be addressed — from the downtown redevelopment, to education, to taxes , and to our seniors. The main focus for me is to find a balance.”