Derby Catholic School Holds ‘Meet And Greet’ With New Principal

The public is invited to a reception to welcome Mrs. Linda Coppola as she takes over the reins as principal of St. Mary – St. Michael School.

A Meet & Greet” event will be held in the St. Mary Church Hall at 212 Elizabeth Street in Derby on Saturday, July 24th at 5:00 p.m.

This brief social event will be a great opportunity for parents to introduce their children to Mrs. Coppola. 

A brief video clip will be shown which talks about our history and plans for the future, features a segment from the Crossroads Magazine television segment of our parent task force, and takes a whimsical look at our recent Duck Race fundraiser. Refreshments and desserts will be served and door prizes will be given to the first 30 schoolchildren!

St. Mary – St. Michael School is accepting registrations for the 2010 – 2011 school year. 

The school offers a high quality education in a safe, nurturing, learning environment with small class sizes for individualized attention. St. Mary-St. Michael School is fully accredited by The New England Association of Schools & Colleges and offers Full Day Kindergarten, PreK‑3 & PreK‑4, K‑8 Spanish, Drama Club, and an Expanded Before & After School Program. 

Referral Programs & Financial Assistance are also available. 

For more information please call the school office at (203) 735‑6471 to schedule a tour at your convenience or visit us on the web at:

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