Derby CWV Honors Member

The St. Michael’s CWV Post 1562 in Derby recently held their annual outing on the post grounds. 

This year’s attendance surpassed 225 members, their families and invited guests. 

A birthday cake was presented by Evelyn Browning, Post Auxiliary President, to Helen Ploski in celebration of her 94th birthday. 

Helen has been a member of the Auxiliary for over 40 years and always finds time to assist the post by visiting our veterans in the West Haven VA Hospital to play Bingo, baking for the many events, and helping out with the annual Mother’s Day flower sale or annual poppy drive. 

Helen has held the position of Ritual Officer during her tenure. 

Tom Voytek, Post Commander said, Helen has given much of herself to those around her in a very loving and caring way; she is loved by all.” 

Anyone wishing to get more information about joining the CWV Post or its Auxiliary can call the post at 203 – 734-9748.

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