Derby Day Is Saturday, June 25!

DERBY — Derby Day returns on Saturday, June 25 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the Derby Green.

The forecast calls for sunny skies with a high temperature of 89 degrees, so get out there and don’t forget sunscreen!

Derby is presented by Mayor Rich Dziekan and The Derby Cultural Committee (from where this document originates), and Catholic War Vets, Post 1562.

Visit the Derby Cultural Commission on Facebook.

Saturday, June 25
11 AM — 5 PM


11:00 AM:
Mayor Richard Dziekan & Cultural Commission, Welcoming Remarks.

11:00 AM:
25- Ft.Climbing Rock Wall Awaits, Party People Staff to Assist.

11:30 – 1PM
Mayor Dziekan/City serves MEATBALL GRINDERS. While They Last!

12:00 PM
MOSTLY GREEN BAND and Taste of Derby Prize & Puzzle Hunt Prize Awards

1:00 PM
Taste of Derby Prize & Puzzle Hunt Prize Awards.

2:00 PM
International FASHION SHOW~ Pre Show, Everybody is a Star, Host, Franny.

2:15 – 2:30 PM
Cultural Music; Post Show,β€œWE ARE THE WORLD”, Songfest, 2 Stanzas.

2:30 – 2:50 PM
DANCE DISCO MIX, BILLIE JEAN, Earth/Wind/Fire, MJ, Chaka Kahn.

2:55 PM
Singer/Songwriter, Gigi Kohler, Performance. (3 – 4 Minutes)

3:00 PM
Spaghetti/Marshmallow Sculpture Contest. (See yellow tarp by Stage.)

4:00 PM
Bruno Mars Genre, Taste of Derby Prize & Puzzle Hunt Prize Awards.

4:30 PM
Fashion Show, Likoba Boutique Gift Certificate Awards. ($100 1st & $25 2/3/4).

5:00 PM
Taste of Derby Prize & Puzzle Hunt Prize Award.
Closing Remarks.

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NYC Commute & Metro North Trains.
Photographer: Lisa Louise Brailey. β€‹β€˜BIRDS’
Photographer, Jillian Bonham; Infamous, Rich DiCarlo! Compelling Robot&Bird

Juneteenth, Student Art , Displayed by DCC Table.


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Mayor’s Meatball Grinders, Kids Ice Cream Cones while they last! Tickets, DCC Table.

12 – 4 PM, β€‹β€œMOSTLY Green Band” at Gazebo, Climbing Wall; Police Dunk Tank, Face Painting.

ALL DAY, Gift Cert., Awards, Taste of Derby, See Cultural Commission Table to sign up.

ALL DAY, Green Letters Youth Puzzle Hunt/Prizes., See Cultural Commission Table to sign up.

LATRINES w/ Hand Sanitizer, located North and South End of Park. DO NOT use Restaurant bathrooms

See Cultural Commission Table: Annual Calendar, Souvenir Pencils, Event Program, Sign Up!

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Adult Literacy; All Star Transportation; Amskis Delights; Arbonne, Catholic War Vets, Post 1562, Caribbean Curbside Kitchen; Cheri’s Nail Chateau*; Mayor, City of Derby; Darby Products Llc. ; DERBY CULTURAL COMMISSION; Derby Police; Derby Fire Department; Derbyneck Library; Derby Lions Club; Derby Pop Warner, Derby Public Library; Desmond’s Army; Epicure Spices; FTO Storm Engine; Griffin Hospital; Kyle Marie’s Art Studio, Lazowski’s Creatives; Mel’s Doggie Ventures; Neubauer Military Toys; Mr. Softee; Pass The Sugar Teatime, Pink Paws Grooming; Purely Essential by Mar; Scenty; Shop LuLaRoe; Spirit of the Natives; So. CT Chiropractic; The Edge Fitness; This & That Market & Thrift; TriTown Girl Scouts; Valley Arts Council; Walnut Hill and Wesley Chapel Church.

TASTE OF DERBY~Elizabeth Street Restaurants….Call Your Order Ahead for Pick Up! Atimari’s; Retro Pub & Grub; The Derby Elks; Riverwalk Social; Twisted Vine Restaurant

EVENT SPONSORED BY: CITY OF DERBY and Catholic War Vets, Post 1562.

Contact Susan

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