Derby Democrat Intends To Seek Nomination For Mayor

Alderman Joseph DiMartino

DERBY — A familiar face around Derby — whether on the ball field, Aldermanic chambers or on city streets during snow storms — has thrown his hat into the ring to seek the city’s top seat.

Aldermanic President Joe DiMartino officially made his intentions known to the Democratic Town Committee at its March 4 meeting that he’s gearing up for a mayoral run,

“I let them know I’ll be running for mayor in November,” DiMartino confirmed Monday.

So far, the 54-year-old father of four is the only Democratic candidate to make his intentions known to the DTC.

DTC Chairman Aniello Malerba confirmed Monday in an email that DiMartino, who represents the city’s Second Ward, is the only party member to publicly announce his candidacy for mayor.

“He’s among a strong group of contenders from the Democratic Party that are qualified for the position,” Malerba said. ​“Along with being highly regarded and well-liked, Joe has strong ties to the community and experience in local government. Most importantly he will bring a hard working, hands-on work ethic … something that the mayor’s office has been lacking for the last three years.” 

The DTC will hold its annual nominating caucus in July to endorse a candidate.

To say DiMartino bleeds Red Raider, red and white blood would be an understatement. The Derby High School Class of 1985 graduate has been involved in city politics for more than a decade, has served as DHS’ head girls’ softball coach for 30 years (clinching his 200th career win in 2012) and has been employed with the city’s Public Works Department for 33 years. He and his wife and ​“high school sweetheart” Lori will also celebrate their 31st wedding anniversary this summer.

Running for the city’s top post has been something DiMartino has always aspired to do, especially going back to the days when City/Town Clerk Marc Garofalo, and his fellow DHS classmate and longtime friend, served as mayor.

“I’ve been an Alderman for over 10 years, served as Aldermanic president for a little over a year now, was born and raised in Derby, and I want to be a full-time mayor, Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,” DiMartino said. ​“I am good friends with Marc (Garofalo) and admired and looked up to him when he was mayor and I hope to do the same. I am definitely up for the challenge.”

DiMartino said he plans to retire from the Department of Public Works in August.

DiMartino said his main priorities as mayor include seeing much-anticipated downtown redevelopment to fruition, which includes ​“getting the state going” on the pending Route 34 widening project, ​“and staying on top of the project” from start to finish. 

The state introduced the project about a decade ago, which calls for turning Route 34 downtown, also known as Main Street, from a two-lane to a four-lane road. It’s supposed to start in September.

“Taxes are definitely an issue, as they’ve gone up the past four years,” DiMartino added. ​“There is talk of a mill rate decrease this year, but we will have to wait and see about that.”

Long-awaited progress downtown would certainly boost the economy and help offset the tax base, DiMartino said.

DiMartino has run over the years as a Republican and a Democrat. His brother, Jim, is a Republican on the Board of Aldermen.

DiMartino and his wife have four daughters, Karissa, 29, Jordyn, 27, Lacey, 21 and Kaelyn, 14. He has also served as Oxford’s wrestling coach for the past seven years.

Republican Mayor Richard Dziekan plans to run for a third term, though he has not officially announced his plans yet. 

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