With the swearing-in ceremony just two days away, Derby Democrats know how they’ll deal with the fact the wrong guy was elected to the tax board — but they’re keeping their solution to themselves.
A mistake by the Dems caused James J. Butler’s name to be listed on the Nov. 8 Election Day ballot for the Derby tax board.
It should have read James R. Butler.
James J. is James R.‘s son.
The mistake was pointed out last week by a letter to Town Clerk Laura Wabno by Tony Szewczyk, chairman of the Republican Town Committee.
The story made the “weird news” section of just about every news site known to man, including professional snark sites such as Gawker.
The Dems asked for guidance from attorneys in the Secretary of State’s Office in Hartford.
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The state lawyers told the Dems to either file a lawsuit — or swear-in James J., have him resign, then follow the Derby Charter to fill the vacancy.
Parizo, in an e‑mail to the Secretary of State, said that is what the Dems want to swear-in James J., then caucus and replace him with James R.
However, the Dems don’t want to say that publicly just yet. They’re not overjoyed that the Republicans also sent Szewczyk’s letter to local media outlets. Republicans said they meant no offense.
After the Democrats met Tuesday, Rob Hyder, a member of the Democratic Town Committee, declined to say what his party plans for Saturday’s swearing-in ceremony.
The Derby Inauguration Ceremony is scheduled to start at 11 a.m. at the Derby High School auditorium.
The event is open to anyone who wants to attend.