Members of the Catholic War Veterans (CWV) Post of Derby look on as members of Derby Elks Lodge #571 hosted a Flag Day ceremony on June 13 on Derby ’s Green.
A mandatory Elk tradition since 1911, the Valley’s Order continued the tradition this year.
Among the crowd attending were scouts from Pack 3 and Troop 3 as pictured here is cub scout Thomas Robertson carrying a flag while an Elk member talks about its’ history.
An Honor Guard and Firing Squad from Sutter-Terlizzi American Legion Post of Shelton as well as an Honor Guard from the Derby Police Department were on hand.
Mayor Mark Lauretti of Shelton and State Representatives Linda Gentile and Themis Klarides each reflected on the days’ event. After the ceremony, attendees were treated to hot dogs back at the Lodge.
Photo by: Markanthony Izzo