The first annual Derby Community Endowment reception was held at Grassy Hill Lodge on Saturday, May 12, 2012. Attendees included:
• Mayor Tony Staffieri
• Board of Aldermen President Ron Sill
• Board of Education Chair Ken Marcucio
• Superintendant Dr. Stephen Tracy
• Derby Community Endowment Organizer Mark Nichols
• Other citizens and friends of Derby
Attendees enjoyed food, a classical duet, a presentation from “Hometown Historian” Rob Novak on the history of giving in Derby, a toast to Derby and the endowment fund, and the entertainment of magician Danny Magic.
What’s the purpose of the Derby Community Endowment fund?
The reception was a celebration of the start of a fund that will aid Derby education and community improvements. The fund was established on March 23, 2012 through the Valley Community Foundation. Once $10,000 is reached, then each year a percentage of the fund will be allocated towards three purposes:
• Scholarship or award to student(s) residing in Derby
• Education projects that benefit Derby students
• Municipal beautification / development enhancement
Thanks to the many donations received from individuals and businesses, the fund will soon have over $6,000.
What’s up next for the Derby Community Endowment Fund?
The creation and initial funding of the endowment have been successful. Next up for the endowment fund:
• With city approval set up a committee of concerned citizens that will be in charge of allocating each yearly disbursement to the three set causes.
• Continue to raise money through charitable foundations and the generous giving of individuals and businesses.
• Plan future fundraising events including next year’s reception.
How can I donate to the fund?
There are two ways to donate to the fund:
• Send a check made out to “Valley Community Foundation” with “DCE” in the memo line to:
Valley Community Foundation
253‑A Elizabeth Street
Derby, CT 06418
• Donate online at – click the “Donate Online” button, fill in the form and choose “Derby Community Endowment Fund” from the dropdown box.
Either way you’ll get a tax receipt mailed to you from the Valley Community Foundation.
Who do I contact for more information?
To find out more about the endowment please contact Mark Nichols at 203 – 732-0630, through email at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), or on Facebook at