Union workers at Derby Public Library will see raises of about 2 percent per year through 2015, according to a contract approved by the Derby Board of Aldermen Jan. 24.
The contract was approved unanimously after an executive session, during which the Aldermen met in private to go over the contract.
A copy of the contract is posted at the end of the article.
The union library workers received a 2 percent raise in July 2012. Derby’s fiscal year starts July 1 every year.
They’ll receive a 2 percent raise on July 1, 2013.
They’ll receive a 2.25 percent raise in 2014 and a 2.25 percent raise in 2015.
The workers will have to make larger contributions for health care benefits.
They have to pay 10 percent of their premiums as of July 2012. The contribution increases to 11 percent in July 2013 and to 12 percent in 2014 and 2015.
The Derby Public Library employs two people and nine part-time workers. The library director is not a union member. A part-time custodian’s wages are governed by the union contract covering City Hall workers.
Full details concerning library workers are spelled out in the contract below: