Derby Little League Baseball Update

Derby Little League will be playing Fall Baseball again this year on the Minor League and Major League levels.

Practice will begin the week of Monday, August 20 and games will begin shortly after Labor Day. 

All of the scheduling details are still extremely preliminary, so I will pass along more information as it becomes available.

Based on last year, we will play approximately 16 games, with most games being played on both Saturday and Sunday.

The registration fee for Fall Baseball 2012 will be $25.

If your son or daughter played in the Spring of this year, Derby Little League already has the necessary residency documentation on file. 

You will only have to complete the new Registration form, Medical Release form and Parent Code of Conduct form along with your payment of $25.

If you wish to volunteer to coach this Fall, a new volunteer form will also be required. Links to all forms are in this email below.

If you know of any child between the ages of 8 and 12 who would be interested in playing Fall Baseball, please pass this email along to their parents. 

In addition to the Registration form, Medical Release Form and Parent Code of Conduct form, all new players would be required to bring copies of 3 different documents verifying proof of residency in Derby, in addition to a copy of their birth certificate.

Registration will be held on the following days:

When Where Time
Wednesday, July 25 Derby Little League Field 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Monday, July 30 Derby Little League Field 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

If you are unable to attend either of these registration dates, please let me know so we can coordinate a time to meet.

Registration Form:

Medical Release Form:

Code of Conduct Form:

Volunteer Form:

Finally, if anyone knows of a business that would be willing to sponsor a team or donate to Derby’s Fall Baseball program, please let me know. The cost to sponsor a team is $250 and we would gladly accept any donation.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

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