Derby Man Mistakenly Elected To Office Resigns

James J. Butler, the Derby man elected to the city’s tax board due to a mistake on the Nov. 8 ballot, submitted a letter of resignation Tuesday morning.

Butler alerted the media through an e‑mail Tuesday.

Butler’s father, James R. Butler, was the intended candidate. But the Democrats accidentally put the wrong middle initial on the Election Day ballot.

James J. Butler was sworn-in Saturday, a formality so that he could resign.

The Democrats are expected to caucus and appoint James R. Butler to the tax board, of which he was an incumbent member.

The mistake on the Derby ballot was pointed out by town Republicans.

My father the incumbent was one of the top vote getters last election,” Butler said in an e‑mail. Although I would like to think it was me elected, I was not the person running, nor was my face on the campaign brochures.” 

Butler said resigning was the right thing to do” so the intended candidate could be put on the board.

The wrong guy elected” story was picked up by the Associated Press and was shared with media organizations all over the U.S.

Although this has sparked my interest for future political endeavors, I for the immediate future plan to volunteer my time as I am doing currently,” Butler said. 

As we all know this was a simple error brought to light by some concerned people who I do believe want to do the right thing. Let this be a lesson learned, put it behind us and lets refocus our complete efforts to serving the citizens of the City of Derby,” he said.

Ron Sill, a Democrat who is now the president of the Derby Board of Aldermen, said Democratic Aldermen will probably hold a caucus Wednesday or Thursday to appoint James R. Butler back to the board.

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