Derby Mayor Rich Dziekan Officially Starts Second Term

DERBY — Mayor Rich Dziekan and his fellow elected officials were officially sworn into office during a ceremony at Derby High School Saturday.

To the citizens of Derby, thank you for putting your trust in me for another term. I promise togetherness within the city government, and I look forward to maintaining the spirit of teamwork,” Dziekan told the crowd.

Dziekan had a long list of people and groups to thank and acknowledge, ranging from first responders to high school students, to his family, and to the employees who work in Derby City Hall. Click the play button above to watch his statement.

The mayor’s message of community, togetherness and public service echoed a theme spoken by the morning’s other dignitaries, including U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal and state Sen. George Logan.

Blumenthal said Washington D.C. is often a place of discord and division.

Mayor Rich Dziekan

We could learn a lesson by watching Derby and how you come together once the election is over,” Blumenthal said.

Blumenthal said Saturday’s inauguration is a celebration of democracy and public service. He thanked military veterans in the audience, of which there were many, saying it’s because of them the United States has the freedoms that allow for free elections.

Dziekan said his main goal for the next two years is to continue to grow the grand list and to work with state officials to make sure the much-discussed Route 34/Main Street widening project in downtown Derby actually gets a shovel in the ground. That project is supposed to move forward in the late spring or early summer.

We gotta get this going,” Dziekan said. We have been waiting way too long to see this project move forward and I am committed to seeing it through.”

Shelton Mayor Mark Lauretti and Derby Mayor Rich Dziekan.

Immediately after the inauguration ceremony, the organization meetings of the Derby Board of Aldermen/Alderwomen, the Board of Apportionment and Taxation, and the Board of Education were all held.

Jim Gildea, a Republican, was re-elected by his fellow board members to serve as the school board chairman.

Judy Szewczyk, a Republican, was re-elected by her fellow tax board members to serve again as that board’s chairwoman.

Second Ward Alderman Joseph DiMartino, a Democrat, was elected president of the Board of Aldermen/Alderwomen.

The Democrats now have a majority on the Board of Aldermen/Alderwomen. DiMartino replaces Republican Alderman Charles Sampson as president.

Alderman Joseph DiMartino, president of the Derby Board of Aldermen.

But the vote to name DiMartino was a bipartisan, unanimous vote, with Sampson offering kind words for DiMartino, and DiMartino reciprocating. Alderwoman Barbara DeGennaro, a Democrat, praised Sampson’s leadership style, calling him a straight shooter.

Finally, Walt Mayhew took the oath of office for two positions: city treasurer and tax board. He participated in the first tax board meeting by casting votes during its organizational meeting.

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