Derby Officials To Talk Mayor’s Compensation Package Thursday

DERBY The Board of Aldermen/Alderwomen are scheduled to meet 7 p.m. Thursday (March 18) to continue talking about a compensation package for the mayor’s position.

In November voters approved changing the Derby City Charter so that the mayor’s position is now full-time. But it’s been up to the Aldermen/Alderwomen to figure out what that means, including an annual salary and medical benefits.

The annual salary being considered ranges from about $72,000 to $90,000.

Click here for a previous Valley Indy story on the subject for additional background. 

There had been talk last week of holding an executive session to discuss the abrupt departure of the city’s building official, who left the job March 5.

However, that item does not appear on the meeting agenda.

Thursday’s meeting, the notice of which was sent via email at 4:12 p.m. Wednesday, will be held online, using the Zoom video conferencing software.

The Zoom URL, according to the email:

The Zoom meeting ID: 893 0091 9973

Click here to read a PDF version of the agenda.

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