Derby Police: Leave The Bear Alone

A bear in a tree. It’s not the Derby bear, but a photograph from state DEEP.

Derby police issued a statement Sunday asking residents to stay away from a bear that’s been spotted lounging in west Derby.

DEEP has been advised of the situation and gave the following guidance: DO NOT FEED the bear, obviously DO NOT THROW things at it and just keep your distance,” police said in a Facebook post.

DEEP stands for the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.

The bear made the local news May 17, when WTNH aired the story Bear wakes up, goes back to sleep.”

The bear had been spotted off Cemetery Avenue, but there have been sightings all along the Hawthorne Avenue area.

Here’s a Tweet from the TV newsers:

Black bears sightings are not unusual in the area. West Derby, though heavily populated, is also home to 350-acre Osbornedale State Park.

While we understand everyone’s fascination and the desire to take a picture, etc., the increased presence around the bear is only frightening it. Any further bear related questions please contact DEEP at 860 – 424-3333,” police said.

Residents should remove bird feeders, which attract bears.

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