DERBY — An automatic recount held in Derby City Hall on Sunday showed no changes in the winners, according to an email from Derby Town Clerk Marc Garofalo.
The recount happened because two contests during the Nov. 7 election fell within the margin that mandates a recount by state law.
Two contests qualified:
* The First Ward Aldermen/Alderwomen race, which saw Arthur Newberg, a Democrat, edge out Rich DiCarlo, a Republican, by nine votes
* The Board of Apportionment and Taxation race, which saw Republican Isa Simmons-Derby edge out Republican Robert Miller, Jr. by 15 votes.
The recount in the First Ward affirmed Newberg’s victory, according to the town clerk.
The Board of Apportionment and Taxation recount was not held because Miller declined, which is his right under state law.
Garafalo said complete results will be posted later today (Monday, Nov. 13). Be sure to check the town clerk’s Facebook page.
UPDATE: here are the results as distributed in email by the Derby Town Clerk:
Please find attached amended Head Moderator’s Return for the November 7, 2023 Election in the City of Derby after the recanvass.
The recanvass for the Board of Apportionment and Taxation was not conducted as Mr. Robert Miller, Jr. waived his right to the recanvass.
The recanvass for the Board of Aldermen/Alderwomen – 1st Ward resulted in slight vote changes but the final result was the same.
Original Results
Pettinicchi — 296
Widomski — 310
Newberg — 289
Pollastro — 248
DiCarlo — 280
Szewczyk – 256
Amended results after recanvass
Pettinicchi — 298
Widomski — 311
Newberg — 290
Pollastro — 248
DiCarlo — 280
Szewczyk – 256
The changes were from the machine counted in person poll ballots that resulted in one additional vote for Pettinichi, Widomski and Newberg and one additional vote for Pettinichi from the hand counted Election Day Registration. There were no other changes.
Thanks to all who participated.
Marc J. Garofalo, MPA, MMC, MCTC — Town / City Clerk