Derby Route 8 Exit Ramp Closed For Road Work

FILEThe Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that the Route 8 Northbound on-ramps (from Route 34 Eastbound and Westbound) at Exit 15, Main Street in the Town of Derby is scheduled to be closed nightly from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. from Monday, Aug. 4, through Thursday, Aug. 7, and Monday, Aug. 11, through Tuesday, Aug. 12.

The work consists of the removal of the existing bridge deck joints across the full width and replacement with new concrete and asphaltic plug joints.

The closures are required to complete replacement of bridge joints on the ramp structures.

This location is one of 13 bridges that are being completed as part of DOT Project no. 0174 – 0364 was awarded to Arborio Corporation at a cost of $2,283,130 on July 26, 2013, and is scheduled to be completed November 22, 2014.


Motorists will be directed to follow detour signs down Water Street to Exit 17.

The information above is taken from statements released by state Reps. Theresa Conroy and Themis Klarides Aug. 5.

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