As a former member of the Derby Middle School Building Committee, I was never made aware of the fact that only one nurse would be allocated for Derby High and the new Derby Middle School. 

Longtime Derby school nurse, Eileen Witek, who spends her days running back and forth between Derby High and the middle school, which was built across the campus from the high school and opened in January, says it is becoming harder to be in both places.

And in the case of medical emergencies, Witek said simply can’t handle the workload all on her own. 

Witek, on the job for tree decades, must deal with hundred of students with special medical conditions, in addition to routine minor ailments like headaches and stomach aches. Between both schools, it has been noted that there are 70 students, who are asthmatics, 10 who must carry Epi pens, and two who have diabetes. 

Better allocation of school board funds, was suggested by Witek. Instead of a budget proposal for $90,000 for a curriculum director, hiring another nurse, would not only be less costly, but would go far to ensuring that students get the students get the immediate medical care they need.

All the school district principals, have voiced support for Witek’s request for another nurse, along with Board of Education President Ken Marcuccio, who said the board must wait to see what the Board of Apportionment and Taxation allocates to the schools.

Let’s hope that our dedicated Derby School Nurse, Eileen Witek, gets the help she needs!

Note: Click here to read about the Derby school budget.

Stan Muzyk has been a Derby resident since 1936. He attended Derby and Shelton Schools. He is a former Derby Police Commissioner and served on the Derby Middle School Building Committee. He is currently on the Greenway Committee. He and his father, Stanley, Sr., both managed finance and food businesses in downtown Derby. He is a dedicated advocate for what’s good for the City of Derby!”

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