Derby, Seymour And Shelton To Vote On Road Repairs

Governments in Derby, Seymour and Shelton will ask voters for permission on Election Day to borrow money for road repairs.

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 4. Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Click this link to find out where to vote.

Derby: $3.7 Million

In Derby, voters are being asked to approve $3.7 million in borrowing for road repairs.

The Derby road bond is a yes or no question. It will appear on the Derby ballot as follows:

“Shall the City of Derby appropriate $3,750,000 for the City of Derby Road Improvement Program 2014, and authorize the issuance of bonds and notes in the same amount to defray the appropriation?”

According to ​“explanatory” text supplied by the city, the following roads are scheduled to be repaired. Click here and then scroll down for the full explanation.

  • Benanto Drive (approximately 914 linear feet)
  • Bluff Street (approximately 500 linear feet)
  • Derby Milford Road (approximately 1,347 linear feet)
  • East Hawkins Street (approximately 221 linear feet)
  • Eighth Street (approximately 1,022 linear feet)
  • Emmett Avenue (approximately 3,490 linear feet)
  • Evelyn Road (approximately 458 linear feet)
  • Mountain Street (approximately 950 linear feet)
  • Mt. Pleasant Street (approximately 2,500 linear feet)
  • Pleasant View Road (approximately 2,170 linear feet)
  • Seventh Street (approximately 528 linear feet)
  • Yocher Lane (approximately 250 linear feet)

Click here for a previous Valley Indy story.

Seymour: $5.6 million

In Seymour, residents are being asked to approve the borrowing of $5.6 million for road repairs.

The question on the Seymour ballot reads:

“Shall the Town of Seymour appropriate $5,600,000 for the Town of Seymour Road Improvement Program 2014; and authorize the issue of bonds and notes in the same amount to finance the appropriation?”

Some of the roads up for repair include, according to the New Haven Register: Botsford and Bungay roads; Colony, Elm and Garden streets; and Oakwood, Falbo and Glenbrook drives.

Click here to download a PDF of the town’s road repair report.

The video below shows the town’s engineer talking about his road repair report:

Shelton: $5 million

In Shelton, ballot question #2 asks voters:

“Shall the $5,000,000 appropriation and bond authorization for the reconstruction and resurfacing of roads in the City of Shelton be approved?”

Shelton voters have approved $11 million in referendums to repair roads since 2008, most recently a $5 million appropriation in 2012.

The city doesn’t announce in advance which roads it will pave if voters approve the funding.

Public Works Director Paul DiMauro, Mayor Mark Lauretti, and members of the Aldermen’s Street Committee decide on which roads to repair, and when.

Click here to read more about Shelton road repairs in general from a 2012 Valley Indy story.

Click here to read the minutes of the Sept. 3 Aldermen’s meeting at which officials voted to put the $5 million road question on the ballot.

And click here to read the minutes of an Aug. 14 Aldermen’s meeting at which officials discussed road repairs (scroll down to page 7).

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