Derby Tax Board Candidate Says It Is Time For A Change

Without change, progress cannot occur. I believe that it’s time for fresh sets of eyes to look at what is best for the City of Derby. Experience will only give us what we already know. My fellow brothers and sisters of Derby, I implore that you take a good look at Derby’s current status and vote from your heart. 

I may not have experience in the world of politics, but I do believe that I have enough common sense to listen to what the taxpayers are saying, as well as listen to what each department head needs to adequately perform their function. I keep hearing about how experience matters, yet I do not completely understand this motto. Experience can be either good or bad. I will leave it up to you decide whether it’s been a good experience, or experience that constitutes change.

We need to ensure that our public schools are adequately funded to provide the necessary tools and resources for our children to excel. The children of Derby are our future and we must not turn our heads away from what their needs are. 

I am well aware of the fact that allocation of funds to each department is very limited and that one must be fiscally responsible, yet creative, in the budget planning process. My goal, if elected, is simple: assurance that all departments have the means to satisfactorily provide for our great city. 

The writer is a Democrat running for election to the Derby Board of Apportionment and Taxation.

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