Derby Tax Board Chair: Vote For Dziekan

I’ve had the honor to serve on the Derby Tax Board for the past 15 years – many of those as the chairman. This has afforded me an opportunity to observe Derby’s financial victories and defeats up close and in real time.

The city experienced some accounting issues over the past few years and they were discovered early this year. 

Thanks to a quick, honest response by our Mayor and city officials, and an outstanding recovery plan, we were not hurt by these issues and we continue strong with a growing fund balance and an A+ bond rating. We did have to raise taxes by 2.5 mills but this was due to the ever-growing cost of running the city and its school system.

Over the years I’ve seen Derby stay viable by keeping operating costs low. The members of our city government and city departments have always been able to spend wisely while providing our taxpayers with the services they need. You couldn’t have a better group of people representing you and looking out for you. 

I’ve also noticed two trends over the years that are holding Derby back.

One trend is the ever-increasing cost of education – a problem not unique to Derby. The time is coming soon when we will not be able to afford our education system as it stands. As Derby parents and taxpayers we should pay attention to these issues and expect changes. Try to be involved in the decisions we will be facing.

The other trend is how we approach redevelopment and growth. Since the 1950’s we elect mayors, let them reinvent our redevelopment strategy, give them two or three terms to carry that plan out, and then get discouraged and start over with a new mayor. The fallacy here is that a plan can be developed, implemented, and show positive results within a few short years. That is just crazy.

Derby needs a long term redevelopment plan that stays in place, regardless of who the mayor is. This is our only hope of turning Derby around and attracting new business. I think we are in a perfect position to make this happen in 2020. We have a good plan and our Mayor and city officials are working hard to push things forward. 

Our Mayor, Rich Dziekan, is non-partisan and he is driven by a desire to make Derby better, not by his ego. Mayor Dziekan and his entire staff, all our department heads, and our elected officials work well together and share the enthusiasm to make Derby successful.

Life is about opportunities taken and opportunities lost. I hope Derby sees this opportunity to move forward and takes it. Please stay the course with this administration and allow them to establish a long term plan that we can continue to work with going forward. This can be our time. 

The writer lives in Derby.

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8 p.m. Oct. 31 is the deadline for campaign letters. Campaign letters received after that time and date will not be published.

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