Derby Town Clerk Provides Absentee Ballot Update

The following post is taken from an email Derby Town/City Clerk Marc Garofalo sent out Oct. 20:

I write to update you on the absentee ballot activity in Derby.

As of this writing, we have issued 1,602 Absentee Ballots. Of those issued, 1,006 have been returned representing 63 percent returned city wide for all parties.

Please see the attached breakdown by party affiliation.

As a reminder, prior to this year, just over 300 ballots were returned in 2016, making it the largest amount in Derby.

Absentee ballots can be issued up to and including Monday Nov. 2, 2020. 

All absentee ballots need to be returned to the Town Clerk’s Office by 8 p.m. on Tuesday Nov. 3, 2020.

Here is a link to the City of Derby Election Information Page that includes links for an application for Absentee Ballot, Sample Ballots, and Information on the seven questions pertaining to Charter Revision – .

Please call or email if you have any questions.

Marc J. Garofalo, MPA, CCTC – Town / City Clerk

City of Derby – 1 Elizabeth Street – Derby, CT 06418
203.736.1462 Extension 0 – Telephone
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) – Email

Editor’s note: Click here for a Derby election cheat sheet.

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