DERBY — Welcome to the 2023 Derby Voters’ Guide!
Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 7.
For the second time in this publication’s 13-year history, every candidate for local office in Ansonia, Derby and Seymour was given the chance to share information about themselves and their candidacies with the public through The Valley Indy.
This year we posted a Google form, and used email to reach out to every political party leader and top-of-the-ticket candidate to ask them to spread the word about the form. Those emails were sent in the first week of October, with a deadline of Oct. 24 — though the form was still accepting forms until Oct. 31.
In addition to direct communication, info about the Google form was published as a “pinned post” at the top of Valley Indy Facebook for three weeks.
The Valley Indy also published two livestreams telling candidates to fill out the forms.
Over the next three days, you’ll see that 65 candidates in three towns were willing to share information with the public about their candidacies.
First up — Derby!
Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Election Day.
Click here to double check your polling place.
Click here for a Derby sample ballot.
Click here for information from the secretary of state on everything from absentee ballots to Election Day registration information.
Be sure to check out the “election information” page on the City of Derby’s website, too.
Joseph DiMartino
– 57
– Derby
– Office sought: Mayor
– Party: Democrat
– Years in town: 50
– Profession: Retired Derby Public Works employee, currently working full-time as a Derby Board of Education ISS monitor at the high school
– Prior elected office: Derby Second Ward Alderman
– Why are you running?
“I am running for Mayor of Derby because I see the direction in which the city is heading in, especially financially, and it is concerning to myself, and a majority of the citizens of Derby. I am very passionate about connecting myself with the right people to turn this city around!”
– What do you hope to accomplish?
“My action plan, also found on my Facebook: DiMartino 23 For A Better Derby, explains what I will accomplish if elected. I will fill all open positions in City Hall with qualified people, especially the Finance Director position and Tax Collector position, which have been vacant for well over a year. I will conduct a full forensic audit to determine the condition of the city’s financial situation is in. I will be working with our legislative delegations, which I formed great relationships with, and the Derby’s Board of Apportionment and Taxation to get our finances back on track. I will address issues within education, public health and safety, leadership and communication, economic development, and our seniors! It is my priority to move Derby in the right direction, giving Derby back to the people.”
Sharlene A. McEvoy
– 73
– Derby
– Office sought: Mayor
– Party: Democrat
– Place on ballot: Unaffiliated Petitioning Candidate Row C
– Years in town: Since 1950
– Profession: “Retired University Professor. Therefore, I can and will be a full time Mayor.”
– Prior elected office: none elected but served as justice of peace
– Affiliations: “I have stepped up to help my neighborhood by collecting names on petitions to block the building of a water tank on Telescope Mountain which would have been detrimental to the health and well being of the area including Indian Avenue, Colony Street, Mountain Street, Emmett Avenue, Fall Street, Summit Street among others. I also rallied the area to thwart the destruction of the Bluff Street bridge which has provided vital access for the neighborhood to and from the hospital and shopping. The bridge was put in place in the late 1950s as a substitute the the local streets that were cut off when Route 8 was build. In both cases, I hired experts to offer testimony regarding these projects including a traffic engineer, an environmental lawyer and a scientist. When the situation calls for my assistance, I am willing to expend money and time to achieve a result that favors the interests of the people.”
– Why are you running for office?
“I am running for mayor because I have the skill set to help solve Derby’s problems. As my campaign literature explains, I hold a Ph.D in Political Science from the University of California at Los Angeles where my major field was Public Administration. Among my other fields of study were Public Law. I also have a law degree from the University of Connecticut School of Law. Now retired from the University where I taught such courses as Environmental Law and Policy, Employment Law, Business Law and Contract law, I have the time, experience and knowledge to put to work for the citizens of Derby. I also want to continue the tradition of service established by my family, the McEvoys. My grandfather Peter, Sr., my father Peter, Jr., my cousin, James and my uncle Harry Kinney were also active in civic life and in such organizations as the Derby Lodge of Elks and the Storms Fire Company. My father served on the Board of Education until he was inducted into the army in 1942. After the war, he served as Street Commissioner, now called Public Works Director. My father and two of my uncles served in Europe in World War II. My uncle Eugene C.McEvoy served in the Marine Corps and was killed in the Battle of Bougainville in 1943. I wish to continue their legacy of public service as mayor.”
– What do you hope to accomplish?
“As mayor, I pledge to get our financial house in order by analyzing each department to determine if economies can be found. There will be responsible spending to try to minimize the burden on taxpayers. Every effort will be made to ensure that the services the people are paying for are delivered as efficiently as possible. I will appoint people with expertise to run city departments. Political connections will not play a role. I promise to find a suitable home for the Senior Center and to examine how a more effective school system can work to the benefit of the students. As a career educator, I value the crucial role that proper preparation plays in students’ future success. I promise to comply with the City Charter and the Freedom of Information Act and those in my administration who fail to do so will not continue in service to the city. There will several new members elected to the Board of Aldermen and Women this year. I will arrange for the corporation counsel, whom I will appoint after careful consideration of his/her expertise and cost effectiveness to conduct as seminar for the Board members to school them about their responsibilities as the chief governing body of the city. As I am running unaffiliated, I can mediate the differences among members of the Board because I am not the creature of any party endorsement. I am not beholden to any political boss or donor who seeks influence. I am financing my campaign out of my personal funds. Should I win, I will be nobody’s mayor but yours. In conclusion, I ask the voters of Derby to set aside their ethnic or personal affiliations and judge the objective merits of the candidates and to ask themselves the following question: “Who among the four candidates has the expertise to lead the city?” I believe that the answer is clear. I will welcome the opportunity to serve the citizens of Derby as members of my family have done in the past. I assure them that their confidence in me will not be misplaced. Sharlene A. McEvoy”
Second Ward Alderman GINO DIGIOVANNI is the Republican-endorsed candidate for mayor. Click here for his Facebook page.
Incumbent Mayor RICH DZIEKAN is running as a petitioning candidate. Click here for his Facebook page.
Maria Conlon
– 40
– Derby
– Office sought: Treasurer
– Party: Democrat
– Years in town: 40
– Profession: financial advisor
– Prior elected office: Derby treasurer
– Why are you running for office?
“To help revive my hometown.”
Heidi DiGiovanni
– 47
– Derby
– Office sought: Treasurer
– Party: Republican
– Years in town: 11 to 12 years
– Profession: Coordinator at Yale Hospital
– Prior elected office: none
– Why are you running for office?
“I am running for Treasurer to make a difference. To be the change Derby needs.”
– What do you hope to accomplish?
“Get an Treasurer report to the Board of Aldermen and Alderwomen, so the town can know what’s being paid and not paid. I would like do the annual Treasurer Report as one has not been presented to the Board of Aldermen and Alderwomen in over a year. Would like to help in any way I can like I have said be the change Derby needs.”
Democrat: Owney Malerba, Jr
Republican: Carl Malerba, Sr.
First Ward
Richard Di Carlo
– 61
– Derby
– Office sought: First Ward Alderman
– Party: Republican
– Years in town: 21
– Profession: Ansonia blight enforcement officer
– Prior elected office: none
– Affiliations: Valley Arts Council, Ansonia Cultural Commission, Derby Cultural Commission (past) as well as many events and activities and public venue offerings
– Why are you running?
“I am not happy with the current situations in Derby and I want to help folks.”
– What do you want to accomplish?
“I am good at what I do…I have the ability to work with anyone, I get things done. Our streets are filthy, Things are out there that are not representative to who we are…No one seems to care. My community needs someone who is not afraid to stand up to the establishment and resolve the issues …I want to be the voice of my neighbors and future constituents.”
Arthur Newberg
– 21
– Derby
– Office sought: Derby First Ward Alderman
– Party: Democrat
– Years in town: 21
– Profession: Student, currently a Senior at the University of Connecticut pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Urban and Community Studies and taking coursework towards a Master’s in Public Policy.
– Prior elected office: none
– Why are you running?
“The issues Derby faces today are the same as it faced six years ago when I first started paying attention to politics. Lack of economic development and financial instability are still our city’s two most daunting challenges. I am running to serve my community and I hope to apply what I have learned from my higher education to help address these issues and restore the image of Derby to its former greatness.”
– What do you hop to accomplish?
”(1) Revise the City Charter and institute mandatory reporting of financial documents to the public to safeguard the long-term stability of our City’s finances. (2) Review Derby’s zoning policies/regulations and make changes to attract more developers and foster growth. (3) Create a plan for the long-term funding for our public safety services to ensure our Firefighters and Police have the equipment and vehicles they need to keep us safe.”
Amy Pettinicchi
– 47
– Derby
– Office sought: First Ward Alderwoman
– Party: Democrat
– Years in town: 25
– Profession: VP Senior Manager Operations-Credit Card
– Prior elected office: none
– Affiliations: Derby Middle School President, former Bradley School PTA president and Derby Little League Exec board Secretary
– Why are you running for office?
“Interest in Derby: Time to make a change, Derby. We have to take control again. Specifically we need growth, and to take the time to turn back and unwind things that don’t make sense, and rebuild so we can fill Derby with longtime families that want to stay. I’ve lived here almost 25 years and there’s work to do to ensure this is a city people want to believe in again.”
– What do you want to accomplish?
“I want to bring forth the concerns of the residents actually listen and devise solutions. Be an advocate for change and help restore city hall back to its intended uses. Things that matter will be raised. It’s time to get order back in Derby and do the right thing.”
Judy Szewczyk
– 76
– Derby
– Office sought: First Ward Alderwoman
– Republican
– Years in town: 23 years
– Profession: retired
– Prior elected office: Derby Tax Board from 2005 – 2021 Chair of Board for 6 of 9 terms.
– Why are you running for office?
“I think citizens should be involved in their government: local, state, and US.”
– What do you hope to accomplish?
“Work on a long term plan and budget so we have a direction and sufficient funding.”
Sarah Widomski
– 43
– Derby
– Office sought: First Ward Alderwoman
– Party: Democrat
– Years in town: 14
– Profession: Quality Assurance Officer — York Analytical Laboratories, Inc.; Music Director — St. Margaret Mary Church
– Prior elected office: Current BOA/A (elected 2019)
– Affiliations: Troop 3 Boy Scouts of America, American Legion Veteran’s Day Ceremony, St. Michael Parish, St. Margaret Mary Parish
– Why are you running?
“It would be an honor to be re-elected Alderwoman to serve the city of Derby’s residents. I will continue working to improve communication with and listen to the concerns of the residents of the first ward and all of Derby. I will support measures to increase accountability and transparency in our city government.”
– What do you hope to accomplish?
“One of my priorities will be to help Derby out of its financial crisis. I would support a full forensic audit of the city’s finances as well as advocate for the hiring of qualified professionals to help right the current financial situation.
Another priority will be to focus on establishing a system to clean up our downtown — roads, sidewalks, blighted properties. I will work with my fellow city officials and neighbors to improve pride in our neighborhoods.
I thank you for the opportunity to serve and respectfully ask for your continued support for another term.”
The Republicans also nominated Sam Pollastro for First Ward Alderman.
Second Ward
Jessica Barrios-Perez
– 25
– Derby
– Office sought: Second Ward Alderwoman
– Party: Democrat
– Years in town: 16 year
– Profession: Spanish teacher
– Prior elected office: none
– Why are you running?
“I aim to make a change in Derby, making it a better, prosperous, growing town. I want to inspire young generations to make a change, be part of a community, to speak up for our town. I aim to demonstrate support not only to the Hispanic and Latino community but for all cultures in Derby, bringing people together, showing that Derby cares for our town, and showing the world who Derby is.”
– What do you hope to accomplish?
“I aim to restore city hall with our mayor for better future of Derby, helping make changes that supports our community’s economy, schools, and to listen to the needs of out town.”
Julian Campoli
– 33
– Derby
– Office sought: Second Ward Alderman
– Party: Republican
– Years in town: 33 years
– Profession: Land Surveyor at Accurate Land Surveying, LLC
– Prior elected office: none
– Affiliations: Troop 3 Eagle Scout, Republican Town Committee, Cornerstone Church Oxford, CT
– Why are you running?
I am running for office because I am looking to serve the community and the people of Derby. I want people to see what it means to put the interests of others above your own personal interests. We have allowed political division on a federal level to invade the politics of our local government. As a result, the prosperity of Derby has taken a hit. We should not allow division at the federal level to get in the way of both parties working together in Derby in order to do what is best for the people who live here. Local government is the foundation of all government in our country, and directly affects the community more so then the state and federal government. I believe that local unification and prosperity in Derby can spill out of city hall and into the general public. In turn, that can trickle up to the state and federal level. We are the smallest city in the state of Connecticut and most people know one another in our small city. This presents a unique opportunity for leadership to have success in unifying, working together, and making compromise in order for Derby to flourish. If the leadership of Derby does not work together, then we will never be able to get Derby to work at all.
– What do you want to accomplish?
“My vision is that elected officials (experienced and new) put their differences aside and begin to work together. Our country was founded on the principle of compromise. That is what lead to the early success of this nation. We can have that success again. I have the gift and ability to see beyond political party and see the inside and heart of others. I would be honored to play a part in getting us to work together for a common goal. That goal is to make Derby a light in a dark world. A a city set upon on a hill, which cannot be hidden. For Derby to be an example of oneness for surrounding towns, Connecticut, the country, and even the world to see. Many may think this to be impossible or naive. But it is written, “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
George F. Kurtyka
– 70
– Office sought: Second Ward Alderman
– Party: Democrat
– Years in city: 53 years
– Profession: Retired Senior Investigator for Yale New Haven Health
– Prior elected office: Derby Board of Apportionment and Taxation 2007 – 2009; Derby Board of Education 2009 to present. Presently Board Secretary
– Affiliations: AM Club, Valley Regional Lodge #151 Sons and Daughters of Italy (past Lodge president)and Derby Elks Lodge #571
– Why are you running for office?
“Having the financial responsibility for the operation of the Derby Public School District the last 14 years along with myb fellow board members would make me a great asset in running the City of Derby and their financial difficulties.”
– What do you hope to accomplish?
“The financial instability of the City of Derby finances. As you are aware, the State of Connecticut has designated the city as Tier 1, the most serious status. State officials have placed the City of Derby under the strictest level of review following the disclosure that instead of having a $1 million surplus, it has a $1.9 million deficit. If successful elected, I would work with my fellow elected board members to review the cities finances to see where the problems exist.”
Anthony Mullin
– 45
– Derby
– Office sought: Second Ward Alderman
– Party: Republican
– Years in town: 12
– Profession: photographer
– Prior elected office: none
– Affiliations: Derby Fire Department Sterling Opera House Commission and I volunteer photography for high school sports
– Why are you running?
“I want to help community be better. I will help no matter who wins. Things need get better Derby is a great place and can be even better!”
– What do you want to accomplish?
“My focus is clear: I’m here to make our community better, no matter the political issues. I’m committed to fixing problems and staying dedicated, win or lose. Derby deserves nothing but the best, and I’m here to deliver. Thank you.”
Ron Sill
– 72
– Derby
– Office sought: Second Ward Alderman
– Party: Democrat
– Years in town: 72
– Profession: cemetery manager
– Prior elected office: Alderman, Board of Education, Sheriff
– Affiliations: Board of Directors TEAM, member and Past Captain Paugassett Fire House Derby, member Derby Elks, Member A M Club Derby, Member Catholic War Veterans Derby
– Why are you running for office?
“I care deeply about the city of Derby and its Citizens. My roots are here and I want this city to be a Great Place to live and raise a Family.”
– What do you hope to accomplish?
“I want to help stabilize the tax rate for our Senior Citizens and our residents. I want to promote the good in our city and bring in new businesses. I want a cleaner city, we all need to take pride, we have many wonderful places in Derby. I want to promote the good here.”
The Republicans also nominated Nick DiGiovanni for Second Ward Alderman.
Third Ward
Michael Alberta
– 68
– Derby
– Office sought: Third Ward Alderman
– Party: Republican
– Years in town: since 2006
– Profession: retired
– Prior elected office: Derby tax board
– Why are you running?
“To be a part of making good decisions for out City.”
– What do you want to accomplish?
“In hopes of getting both parties together and to move forward for the people of our City.”
Dave Chevarella
– 50
– Derby
– Office sought: Third Ward Alderman
– Party: Democrat
– Years in town: almost 50 years
– Profession: Math Teacher and math department coordinator at Derby High School. Head coach for Derby High Girls basketball team.
– Prior elected office: none
– Why are you running for office?
“I am running for office since I have lived in, raised my family and worked in Derby most of my life. Myself and all 4 of my children attended Derby schools and graduated from Derby High School. I love Derby and I am now able to make the commitment needed to perform the duties of an aldermen. I believe my knowledge of Derby, skills and experiences will make me an asset to help grow and improve Derby.”
– What do you hope to accomplish?
“If elected, I plan on using my experiences/knowledge as a teacher, coach, math department coordinator and life long Derby resident to make decisions that are best for Derby. I also will do my due diligence in asking questions, discussing, debating, researching so that I can always make the most informed decision for the betterment of Derby. Finally, I will always treat and interact with everyone in a professional, respectful manor; regardless of disagreements or affiliations.”
Robin Falcioni-Smith
– 60
– Derby
– Third Ward Alderwoman
– Party: Democrat
– Years in town: 60
– Profession: Radiologic technologist
– Prior elected office: None
– Affiliations: Not currently. Was officer on Booster Club for 10 years and Pop Warner Coach and a secretary.
– Why are you running?
“I was born and raised in Derby , I know how great this city can be. It cannot be the same as years ago but it can still be good . I want to give back to the city that has given me and my family so much.”
– What do you want to accomplish?
“I want to be involved in the guidance of the new Main Street area and making the city better for future families.”
Rob Hyder
– 50
– Derby
– Office sought: 3rd Ward Alderman
– Unaffiliated running on the Democratic ticket
– Years in Derby: 50
– Profession: Secondary Markets Manager for a mortgage company
– Prior elected office: Serving my second term as Derby’s 3rd Ward alderman
– Affiliations: “I am the president of the Derby Running Club, a 501(c)(3) non-profit benefiting Derby’s student athletes on the track and cross country teams. I am also a volunteer for Norcom Cares, another 501(c)(3) non-profit associated with the mortgage company in which I am employed. I have also been a volunteer for Derby High School Football games, working as a spotter in the press box since 2017.”
– Why are you running: “Growing up in Derby, I have benefited from the countless volunteers who gave their time to shape my life. I chose to remain in Derby and raise my family here. I view my volunteerism in my community and my service on municipal boards as paying forward all that was done for me.”
– What do you hope to accomplish? “I would sincerely like to be a part of the movement that brought respectability, truthfulness and transparency back to Derby City Hall.”
Ann Kimball
– 50
– Derby
– Office sought: Derby Third Ward Alderwoman
– Party: Republican
– Years in town: Six plus
– Profession: Registered Nurse
– Prior elected office: Derby tax board
– Affiliations: Republican Town Committee
– Why are you running?
“To represent the interests of the 3rd ward residents.”
– What do you hope to accomplish?
“I want to accomplish bringing honesty, transparency, and respect back to our city. I want Derby to prosper by supporting efficient sustainable ways for economic growth, economic development, and economic activities.”
The Republicans also nominated Matthew Beck for Third Ward Alderman.
Jennifer Desroches
– 66
– Derby
– Office sought: Derby BOAT
– Party: Democrat
– Years in town: About 26 years
– Profession: office manager and bookkeeper
– Prior elected office: Derby BOAT
– Affiliations: Derby Centennial Lions Club, (Derby) Elderly Commission, Derby Inland Wetlands, TAILS — Westport, Ct Lighter Than Air Society. Balloon Federation of America
– Why are you running?
“To be a voice for the residents of Derby.”
– What do you hope to accomplish?
“I would like to see checks and balances brought back to the city’s budgeting process. In addition, strive to make sure the information given to the Tax Board is accurate and honest.”
Colleen Germain-Ezzo
– 58
– Derby
– Derby BOAT
– Party: Democrat
– Years in town: 58
– Profession: Labor Relations Representative
– Prior elected office: none
– Why are you running for office?
I am totally disheartened and disgusted by the Tier 1 Designation imposed by the State of Connecticut. Even more troubling is that the State’s Municipal Finance Advisory Commission (MFAC) has been identifying 9 significant deficiencies/material findings in each of the last several years, but nothing was ever done by this Administration to address them.
Derby has a 3+ million dollar deficit.Derby has been bouncing checks to its vendors. Derby has significant unfunded liabilities in city employee pensions. Derby sets it’s budget without a fiscal year end report. Derby cannot fill the Finance Director position, which has been vacant for more than a year. The red flag warnings cannot be any more visible than this. Yet this Administration cancels regularly scheduled meetings, refuses to answer public requests for information, and remains tight-lipped through it all.
– What do you hope to accomplish?
If elected, I am committed to bring transparency and light to Derby Government. I will take whatever steps necessary to ensure that those things identified in the MFAC report are finally addressed, and that a plan/strategy is in place to bring resolve to each one of these longstanding issues. I will work collectively and collaboratively with elected officials across the aisle- to restore integrity, accountability and faith to our Derby Government; for Derby residents, and Derby’s future!
Mike Gray
– Derby
– Office sought: Derby Board of Apportionment & Taxation
– Party: unaffiliated, running with the Democrats
– Years in town: 26
– Profession: educator
– Prior elected office: Derby BOAT
– Affiliations: N/A
– Why are you running for office?
“I am looking forward to continuing my service on the BOAT on behalf of my fellow community members with a bipartisan mentality that will operate with keen oversight and make considerate, fiscally responsible decisions that take into account the feedback and concerns of our entire community.”
Tina Parelli-Silkoff
– 50
– Derby
– Office sought: Derby tax board
– Party: Democrat
– Years in town: 22
– Profession: Insurance/Billing coordinator Oral Surgery Associates
– Prior elected office: none
– Affiliations: Derby Little League board for three years
– Why are you running for office?
“To help regulate the finances of the city on a regular basis. Also to help adopt the annual municipal budget and tax rate.”
– What do you hope to accomplish?
“I would like to see the city’s finances get back on track. Help Derby families by keeping taxes low. I want to ensure my children’s and everyone else’s children future in Derby.”
Ashley Simon
– 35
– Derby
– Office sought: Derby tax board
– Republican
– Years in town: 5
– Profession: Volunteer Through American Eagle Credit union to give back Communities
– Why are you running for office?
“I hope to bring a new perspective to the board , given my experience in finance and accounting.”
– What do you hope to accomplish?
“I want to be transparent open honest and help Derby And the tax payers and residents feel comfortable on where we stand — and strengthen the community and trust.”
The Democrats also nominated Kristin Mancini-Wright and Bhamini Patel for the Derby tax board.
The Republicans also nominated Jose Rivera, Isa Simmons-Derby, Robert Miller, Jr., and Laura Wabno.
John Campoli
– 68
– Derby
– Office sought: Derby Board of Education
– Party: Republican
– Years in town: 32
– Profession: Retired
– Prior elected office: Decline
– Why are you running for office?
– What do you hope to accomplish?
Daniel P. Foley
– Derby
– Office sought: Derby Board of Education
– Party: Democrat
– Years in town: lifelong Derby resident
– Profession: retired teacher
– Prior elected office: Derby BOE
– Affiliations: Board of Directors Derby Public Library, Elks of Derby, Derby Town Democratic Committee
– Why are you running?
“Education is the wing in which dreams fly and I want to help pilot those dreams to fruition.”
– What do you hope to accomplish?
“Improve our Educational system and to insure that all students receive the highest level of education that Derby can provide. Also the need to address concerns within the system.”
Jim Gildea
– 56
– Derby
– Office sought: Derby Board of Education
– Political party: Democrat
– Years in town: 50 plus
– Profession: Director of manufacturing
– Prior elected office: 26 years, Derby BOE
— Affiliations: Derby Historical Society, ManufactureCT, CT Public Transportation Council, CT Technical Education Career System Advisory Board
– Why are you running?
“I am running for the Derby Board of Education because I believe that there are few things more important than the education of our students. They represent the future, and they represent the next generation. I believe that it is our duty to ensure that they are prepared to be successful for the world that awaits them. I have the experience and the leadership abilities necessary to represent our community and to be their voice and seat at the table when working with the educational professionals on the educating of our students.”
– What do you want to accomplish?
“If I am elected to a seat on the Derby Board of Education, I would like to ensure that we continue the progress that we have seen to date. Our test scores continue to rise, our elementary schools have been named schools of distinction and our Derby Middle School is part of the Commissioners Network. I would like to see continued emphasis an early intervention, on building a community and stakeholder long range plan and continuing to ensure that we are as resourceful as possible with the funds that are entrusted to us.”
Laura Harris
– Derby
– Office sought: Derby Board of Education
– Party: unaffiliated, running on the Republican line
– Years in town: 60
– Profession: Retired
– Prior elected office: Six terms, Derby BOE
– Affiliations: Family Club member for Our Lady Queen of the Apostle’s Parish, member of the ACES Governing Board, member of Valley Early Childhood Council, also was on a panel with Valley Community Foundation — Valley Childhood Poverty Collective Impact Initiative
– Why are you running for office?
“I want to continue to advocate for STEM and life academics from pre-school to high school. I am a believer all students should have exposure to art, music, foreign languages as well as extra curricular activities, such as clubs and sports.”
– What do you hope to accomplish?
“It is rewarding to be involved with helping students achieve their goals and I will continue to help staff members obtain materials to aid the learning environment.”
Kenneth R. Marcucio Sr.
– 80
– Derby
– Office sought: Derby Board of Education
– Party: Democrat
– Years in town: 80
– Prior elected office: 16 years, Derby BOE, 8 as chairman
– Affiliations: Derby Little League President —50 years, Derby Democratic Town Committee, St. Mary’s {Mens Club & Lector for 20 years}, March of Dimes Committee, Elk’s Club, A.M. Club, Connecticut Association Athletic Directors {Treasurer from1991 to present},
Certified Athletic Administrator {CAA}, CT Athletic Director of the Year in 2002, Derby Parks and Recreation Committee, President — Derby Educations Association
– Why are you running for office?
“To try to help in giving our children the best education they can get within the means of the City of Derby. There is so much that most people do not know about our educational system and it is hard to try to convey too people what has to be done to best help our students. Parents have to get involved and attend our meetings so they will find out all the good things we have accomplished and what still needs to be done. I have been involved in Derby’s educational system for many, many years and know the problems we have and must overcome. We need to convey these problems to the parents and city fathers so we can improve on them. I have complete faith in the Derby Educational system and have sent all my children through the Derby Public School System.”
– What do you hope to accomplish?
“I have lived in Derby all my life and went through the Derby school system; married to Judy (Simmon) Marcucio for the past 59 years. We sent all our children – Karen, Ken Jr., Brian, and Scott through the Derby school system. I have four grandchildren, Jacob, Kyle, Sammie, and Charlotte. I taught in Derby for 36 years and out of my nineteen retirement years since 2004, have been on the Board of Education for the last sixteen years, serving as Chairman for eight years. If you add it all up, it equals approximately 52 years of being directly involved with Derby education and with our children in the Derby Little League. I believe I know what has to be done to educate our children properly within the means of Derby’s taxpayers.
We have gotten numerous grants to lighten the financial burden of our taxpayers. These grants have helped pay for additional people to work with our students in special areas so we don’t have to pay these salaries out of our operating budget. Our operating budget has been kept very low the last few years {we know this is very important for the people in Derby while giving our students the best possible education}. Our board has done a tremendous job with state and federal grants that has substantially lessened the burden on our taxpayers. Accountability from all teachers and administrators has always been important to me. The process never ends. I earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from Quinnipiac University, and a Master’s Degree from the University of Bridgeport in Secondary Education. He received his degree in administration from Fairfield University.”
Melissa Mongillo
– 45
– Democrat
– Vice President, Recruiting and Business Development for Mackey Staffing & Co.
– 30 year Derby resident
– Current Derby BOE member
– Affiliations: Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce, Derby Pop Warner Board President
– Why are you running and what do you want to accomplish?
“I am running for re-election to the Board of Education because my unwavering commitment to education and our community drives me to continue serving in this role. My life has been guided by fundamental values: leadership, empathy, and resilience, which not only define my character but also underscore my work and volunteer experiences.
Coming from a family of public servants, I was instilled with a deep sense of altruism and a profound commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of others. My dedication to the youth in our community has been a powerful motivator for my involvement in various organizations, including the Lower Naugatuck Valley Boys and Girls Club. Currently, I proudly serve as the President of the Derby Pop Warner Board, where I played a pivotal role in revitalizing the football program, giving our young athletes a platform to flourish.
In my current capacity, I am honored to hold the position of Chair for the Negotiations & Personnel Committee and serve as a member of the Athletic Committee on the Derby Board of Education. During my previous term, I actively participated in hiring committees for critical positions, including Head Football Coach, Athletic Director, Principal of Irving School, Dean of Students, District Business Manager, and Facilities Director. These experiences have deepened my understanding of the educational system and underscored its vital role in our community.
My motivation for seeking re-election is firmly rooted in my unwavering commitment to enhancing the Derby community, with a specific focus on supporting our youth and their families. I firmly believe that education forms the cornerstone of a thriving community, and I am wholeheartedly dedicated to ensuring our schools provide the best possible environment for learning and personal growth.
In conclusion, my connection to this community, combined with my experience as a business leader, has equipped me with the skills needed to drive positive change and progress. I am genuinely dedicated to making decisions that prioritize the well-being of our children, families, and those who support them. My commitment to representing this sometimes voiceless group is unwavering. I do not engage in political games or shy away from tough conversations. I am running for office because I aspire to make decisions for the greater good, devoid of ego or personal gain. My primary focus is on the children, their families, and those who tirelessly support them in our schools every day.”
– What do you want to accomplish?
“If re-elected, I will continue to focus on the needs of our community and recognize the vital role our schools play in supporting families and students. Together, we can ensure a brighter future for Derby.”
**NOTE: The initial version of this story failed to include Mongillo’s complete statement. That was an editing mistake on our part.**
Janine Netto
– 48
– Derby
– Office sought: Derby Board of Education
– Party: unaffiliated, running on the Republican ballot line
– Years in town: 23 years
– Profession: Business Development Manager for Centennial Real Estate
– Prior elected office: Three terms, Derby BOE
– Affiliations: Former Derby Little League board membe
– Why are you running?
“I resigned from the board 2 years ago for personal reasons. Since leaving I have missed the work and the impact that serving has on our schools, teachers and children in the community. I am excited to be able to jump back in and continue to help navigate the course of improving schools.”
– What do you hope to accomplish?
“I believe strongly in making all the schools in our community the safest place we can. Our children are entitled to a safe, secure, happy learning environment. I played a vital role in the development of the current program that secured armed retired police into our buildings. I look forward to building on this foundation to ensure the continued safety of all inside our buildings every day.”
Kimberly Tovar
– 34
– Derby
– Office sought: Derby Board of Education
– Party: Democrat
– Lifelong Derby resident
– Profession: Insurance follow up and AR Specialist for the Los Angeles County Medical Centers
– Prior elected office: none
– Affiliations: Current president of the DHS PTO, Manage the DHS Booster Club, previous Derby Pop Warner Coach, Board Member, and President, Assist with the Derby Athletic Hall of Fame, Derby Football Club, and mor
– Why are you running?
“I hold Derby Schools and Athletics very close to my heart. As a lifelong Derby girl I have so much Pride for this little town and find great pleasure sharing the culture of what it means to be a Derby Red Raider with today’s youth and newcomers, hoping that one day they too will have that same burning Pride I cherish. To be a Derby Red Raider is not simply the title you get as a resident in town, it is so much more. It is the passion, drive, and heart to do what is right. It is the ready and willingness to fight and defend your own with the utmost pride and grit. But most importantly, it is the Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Determination, and Enthusiasm one inhibits- the P.R.I.D.E. It is the ever changing evolvement that it takes to get the job done and do right by one another in today’s society. You must be the change to see the change, and that is my exact goal. Derby residents, with your support this Election Day, I can help bring back the Derby Red Raider Pride to our school systems. The youth of today are tomorrow’s leaders. There’s no better leader than a Derby Red Raider.”
– What do you hope to accomplish?
“If elected into office I want to create an open community where families, staff members, and students can come to feel safe to express the challenges they face within the school systems, while coming up with practical resolutions fit for all. The most important thing is that our students and staff can have a safe, learning environment that will allow growth and success.”