A bunch of Boy Scouts from across the pond were in Derby last month, as part of an annual Troop 3 exchange program.
The boys are getting a taste of everything New England, from car shows to a tour of the local fire department.
The Valley Indy caught up with a trio of Scouts from Limerick, Ireland July 24 as they ordered wings from the Dew Drop, arguably Derby’s most popular hangout.
Eoin Stapleton, 15, James Glasson, 17, and Tadhg McInerney, 16, were staying at Keith and Beth McLiverty’s house in Derby with the couple’s son, Colby, 16, who has been a Troop 3 Scout for years.
Keith McLiverty said the idea was to give the Scouts a real taste of Derby, and what’s more tasty in Derby than the Thursday steak specials at the Dew?
All three boys certainly had a sense of adventure, and were well-traveled with the Scouts even before their trip to New England.
“It’s a good thing to do for summer, and it’s a good experience, all that,” Eoin said.
It wasn’t Eoin’s first trip to the U.S. Just last year he family vacationed in the U.S. and checked out Disney World as well as New York City.
“I get out of Ireland every year,” he said.
It was also James’ second trip to Derby. He was in the area two years ago as part of the same Troop 3 Scout exchange.
“(Derby) made a good impression on me, so I came back,” James said.
How is Derby different than Limerick?
“Here, no one walks around,” James said. “An awful lot of people in Ireland get around by public transport, and there’s not that kind of public transport here. Generally, it’s different in a lot of ways.”
James said two years ago he traveled to Boston with people from Derby.
“That was fantastic,” he said. “We went to Fenway Park, and that was amazing.”
It wasn’t Tadhg’s first trip to the U.S., either.
“Actually, I was born in America,” he said. “I used to live in Louisiana.”
His parents moved from Ireland and lived in Lousiana for about 14 years.
“Hurricane Katrina, that’s the reason we moved back,” Tadhg said.
Tadhg said people in the Derby area are every bit as friendly as his countrymen in Ireland.
The biggest difference?
“The climate — we don’t have 97 percent humidity in the summer,” he said.
Currently, Troop 3 is also hosting Luke Brady and Alex Griffiths, from Derby, England as well as Sam Holmes and Chris Campbell, from Peterborough, England.
The Troop 3 exchange program started in 1985, and is sponsored by Dr. Robert Feeney, himself a former Troop 3 Scout.
Troop 3 Scoutmaster Randy Ritter said in an e‑mail that Feeney was heavily influenced by Ed Strang, a legendary local Scout leader.
Ritter said Troop 3 scout Justin Patten and Matthew Moran recently returned from 24 days in Ireland as guests of families there, under the direction of Scout leader Michael Ryan, who has coordinated the exchange from Ireland since 1986.
Ritter also said Troop 3 scouts Ryan Cafaro and Anthony Bartholomew are currently on a 24-day trip to Derby, England, where they are staying with scout families who visited Derby last summer.
The English exchange is under the direction of Derby, England scout leaders Stuart Cooke and Craig Morris. Next summer 20 members of Troop 3 will be visiting Derby, England and attending the 2015 Peak International Scouting encampment held at the estate of the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire.
The English and Irish scouts are now with 11 Troop 3 scouts and leaders on a three-week cross country camping adventure.
The group flew to Los Angeles, and are traveling by van and camp in many of the national parks across 13 states.
They are scheduled to return to Derby on Aug. 16.