Seymour Pink, Inc. has announced that the 2012 T‑Shirt Design Contest is accepting applications for this year’s shirt design contest.
All full-time students, including elementary school, middle school, high school and college students, living in Seymour, Conn. are eligible to submit an entry.
The exception is for professional graphic designers.
The winning student will be awarded a $300 scholarship/bursary.
The nominal entry fee of $5.00(checks made payable to Seymour Pink, Inc.) must be submitted with the application. Entries are available Seymour Public Library, Seymour Town Hall and at All entries must be submitted no later than March 29th, 2012.
“This is a wonderful contest open to all our students in the community. As the initial fundraiser that helped to establish Seymour Pink, Inc., shirt sales amount to over $6,000 in supporting our mission in a community’s fight against breast cancer”, said Mary Deming, President, Seymour Pink, Inc.
• The applicant must be a Seymour resident.
• Entrant must submit hand-drawn or computer generated artwork on an 8.5” x 11” sheet of paper. Artwork must be ORIGINAL.
(Artist does not need to use the entire 8.5“x 11” area. Entry can be horizontal or vertical.)
• Each entry may use up to two colors.
• Please keep in mind that the winning entry will be applied to a pink t‑shirt.
• Fine details in design may not transfer well to the t‑shirt.
• In fairness to all, the artists’ names will be withheld until after the winning entry has been selected.
• Entries will be judged on concept, and not solely on artistic talent.
• Winning design will be announced on May 1, 2012 at the 5th Annual Pasta Dinner at Brookside Inn
Seymour Pink, Inc
T‑Shirt Design Contest
P.O. Box 333
Seymour, CT 06483
Submitted designs become the property of Seymour Pink, and will not be returned. By submitting a design the entrant agrees that if your design is chosen it can be used by Seymour Pink on a tee-shirt and any other form or medium of promotional material
Seymour Pink, Inc. is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization whose mission is to unite a community in the fight against breast cancer. Through fundraising efforts, our goal is to fund breast cancer research, provide education and to empower and assist breast cancer victims and their families. “Seymour Pink Day” was an idea born from loved ones left behind…family and friends of those who lost their battle with breast cancer. The idea to have our entire community SEE MORE PINK came from the unique advantage that our town’s name is Seymour.