Don’t Trash Shelton

Shelton will host its third Clean Sweep during the entire week of Earth Day, April 18 – April 24.

The Shelton Anti-Litter Committee is accepting online registrations for the event now. All participants are eligible to receive the custom patch free of charge. 

This is the 3rd annual Clean Sweep event, and we hope for an even bigger turnout than last year, when we had hundreds of volunteers picking up hundreds of bags of litter from our streets, waterways, and parks. (Note: This is NOT a household clean-up event). 

Although it is not required, we encourage you to register your clean-up event (see left menu to register). An event” might be as simple as one person picking up litter along a street, or as big as Clean Sound’s 3‑city Housatonic River clean-up. Why register? To help us gauge participation, to inspire others, and to let others know you plan on cleaning a certain area. 

If you plan on cleaning a major park or school, please check to see if anyone else has already registered that location for clean-up. If so, you must select a date AFTER their date unless there is so much litter that you couldn’t possibly clean it all up. 

Heavy duty garbage bags will be available for volunteers at the Community Center (Parks & Rec office) and City Hall (Mayor’s office). Availability will be announced on the Clean Sweep website.

After you have collected the litter, please call Shelton Highways and Bridges at 203.924.9277 for pickup. (Do NOT call Highways and Bridges to removal materials that came from your attic or cellar!)

After your clean-up, please follow-up and let us know the names and addresses of all your participants, especially for Scouting groups and anyone else who might enjoy a certificate from the Mayor and a patch. We have a special Shelton Clean Sweep 2010” patch this year free of charge. 

Starting in 2010, we are attempting to automate the registration system as much as possible for efficiency and to reduce the potential for errors. We ask people to register using our online form rather than by email or phone if at all possible. 

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