A Hamden police officer who previously served on the city’s tax board was appointed to the Derby Board of Aldermen Dec. 27.
Richard Dziekan, 46, replaces Ken Hughes, who resigned from the board in November.
The Republican members of the party convened a quick caucus at the Dec. 27 Aldermen meeting and nominated Dziekan, who was in the audience with his wife, Kristen.
He was sworn in by Mayor Anthony Staffieri.
Dziekan has been a patrolmen with the Hamden PD for 24 years. He was elected to the city’s tax board in 2011. He resigned that position to accept his new post on the Derby Board of Aldermen.
The Republicans also appointed Nelson Cummings to replace Dziekan on the tax board. Cummings has previously served on the tax board.
Dziekan said he was honored to have been appointed to the Board of Aldermen. He said he enjoyed his time on the tax board because it gave him a glimpse of city government.
“It was great to see how the city worked and to get my feet wet,” he said.
Neither tax board members or Aldermen get paid for their services to the city.
Click the video to watch Dziekan be sworn in by Staffieri.