Shelton’s Echo Hose Ambulance will be hosting an EMT class beginning Jan. 14.
Classes will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays form 6 to 10 p.m. at Echo Hose’s training center at 286 Howe Ave. There will also be classes on some Saturdays.
The class will end April 30.
Tuition is $725, which includes textbook and other materials.
Click here for more information and course requirements from the Echo Hose website.
An emergency medical technician (EMT) is an emergency responder trained to provide emergency medical care to the critically ill or injured. EMTs are trained in entry level emergency medical care including those critical skills necessary for rapid response, initial patient assessment and treatment, patient immobilization, patient extrication and movement, and transportation.
Patient treatment guidelines are described in local protocols which typically follow both national standards as well as local policies. The goals of EMT interventions are to rapidly evaluate a patient’s condition, maintain an adequate airway, breathing, and circulation. In addition, EMT intervention aims to control external bleeding, prevent shock, and prevent further injury or disability while expediting the safe and timely transport of the patient to the hospital for more definitive care.