Concerned about pollution in the Housatonic River? Then you should attend this public meeting on June 12.
The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection in partnership with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing a public meeting to discuss a report recently released by EPA which provides preliminary information on potential approaches for portions of the Housatonic River in Connecticut and Massachusetts.
Public Meeting regarding the Housatonic River:
Status Report on Potential Remediation to Rest of River PCB Contamination in CT and MA
June 12, 2012
6:30 PM – 9:00 PM
New Milford High School Auditorium
388 Danbury Road
New Milford CT
The Housatonic River is an important recreational, ecological, economic and cultural resource within Connecticut that has been impacted by the release of chemicals known as Polychlorinated Biphenyls, PCBs.
The EPA report, Potential Remediation Approaches to the GE-Pittsfield-Housatonic River Site “Rest of River” PCB Contamination, which is the subject of this meeting, discusses potential approaches to addressing the PCB contamination. The report is available on the EPA web site at .
A short presentation will be made regarding this report and then opportunity will be provided for public comments or questions.
For further information, please contact Dennis Schain, CT DEEP, 860 – 424-3110 or ; or Jim Murphy, EPA, 617 – 918-1028 or