An additional day for Kindergarten Registration for the Town of Oxford will be held Thursday, April 24th at Quaker Farms School, 30 Great Oak Road from 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM.. Your child must be five (5) years old on or before January 1, 2015.
All kindergarten registration forms can be found on our website. The forms can be downloaded and printed at home. Please bring these forms completed at registration. The information is detailed on the District Website at On the website there is a link to Kindergarten Registration once you click on to Quaker Farms School.
These forms will also be available during registration time if you have no means of downloading them at home. You will need to bring in the original birth certificate with the raised seal along with a copy, proof of residence (current utility bill), along with a copy and current immunizations.
Children will need a physical examination within one year of the first day of school. All required immunizations must be documented before starting kindergarten.
You do not have to bring your child with you at this registration. Vision and hearing screenings WILL NOT take place during kindergarten registration. At the time of your child’s physical your doctor’s office should do the vision and hearing screening.
For further information, please call Mrs. Claire Luce at Quaker Farms School at 203 – 888-5842.