I know most probably do not keep up with the Politics of Facebook, and what takes place regarding the website.
Heck, I still have some friends and family members that absolutely refuse to use the site. At this point I am starting to understand why.
First it started with breastfeeding pictures.
Women feeding their children, with very little skin showing, I know my breastfeeding pictures I posted were certainly modest including blankets covering my children.
With the simple caption to one of them of “Breastfeeding at Fenway Park” and even this picture was removed! I was shocked to say the least.
Then it started happening to friends, and other family members. I knew it was something specifically targeting breastfeeding mothers.
Groups started popping up all over Facebook supporting the breastfeeding mothers.
Click here to continue reading Danielle’s post.
Note: The writer is a Shelton resident.