Photo credit: Paul J. Fusco/CT DEEP-Wildlife Division
HARTFORD — The following press release was sent by CT DEEP:
Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) reminds hunters that the 2022 fall archery hunting seasons for deer and turkey open on Thursday, September 15, on state and private land.
- Fall archery hunting season for deer and wild turkey goes to the end of December on private lands and state land bowhunting only areas.
- Fall archery hunting season for deer and wild turkey goes to the end of January 2023 on private lands in Deer Management Zones 11 and 12.
- On state lands open to hunting, the archery season runs from September 15 to November 15 and from December 21 through the end of December.
- Archery deer hunting is allowed on private lands on Sundays in all Deer Management Zones.
- Wild turkeys CANNOT be hunted on Sunday anywhere in the state, nor can turkeys be harvested over bait.
“If weather conditions are anything like they were in 2021, with high temperatures and wind during much of the early bow season, it could have another big impact, with lower-than-expected harvests,” said Andrew LaBonte, DEEP Wildlife Biologist.
Another major concern with the drought conditions already present throughout much of the state is the impact a hemorrhagic disease outbreak could have on the deer population should drought conditions persist. The disease, which was documented in 2017 and 2020 but in small numbers of Connecticut deer, occurs during drought conditions and is carried by biting midges that infect deer, causing them to die within 3 to 5 days. Confirmed cases have been reported across the border in New York this year, adjacent to Deer Management Zone 6, which includes New Milford and adjoining towns. However, an outbreak has not yet been documented in Connecticut this year. Anyone observing deer acting or behaving oddly, or found dead along a waterbody is encouraged to send an email to Andrew.labonte@ct.gov.
The 2021 Connecticut Deer Program Summary contains information that will be helpful to hunters in the upcoming season. The Deer Summary is on the DEEP website at https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/DEEP/wildlife/pdf_files/game/deersum2021.pdf.
“The best hunting opportunities still exist in the southwest corner of the state and many of the shoreline towns, especially for bowhunters,” continued LaBonte. “Many landowners use the archery deer hunting season as a safe and effective means of reducing deer populations, especially in the more developed areas of the state where firearms hunting may not be feasible.”
Resident Game Bird Conservation Stamp: A Resident Game Bird Conservation Stamp was established in 2016, which replaces all turkey permits and the Pheasant Stamp, and is required to hunt any resident (non-migratory) game birds, including wild turkey, pheasant, ruffed grouse, partridge, and quail. The cost of the Resident Game Bird Conservation Stamp is:
- $28 for adult residents and non-residents;
- $14 for Connecticut hunters ages 12 through 17.
All revenues from the sale of Resident Game Bird Conservation Stamps will be deposited into a separate, non-lapsing account to use exclusively for game birds and their habitat.
- Wild turkey hunters planning to hunt in fall 2022 will need a 2022 Resident Game Bird Conservation Stamp.
- Landowners (who own 10 or more contiguous acres) may take turkeys on their property with the Free Landowner Resident Game Bird Conservation Stamp or Resident Game Bird Conservation Stamp.
- There is no additional bag limit for turkeys due to the Free Landowner Game Bird Conservation Stamp.
Harvest Tags: When hunters harvest a deer or turkey, they are required to fill out a Harvest Tag, sign it, and keep the Harvest Tag with the animal until it is processed for consumption. Copies of Harvest Tags and instructions are in the printed version of the 2022 Connecticut Hunting and Trapping Guide, as well as on the DEEP website at https://portal.ct.gov/DEEP-Report-Deer-Turkey-Harvest.
Report Harvest: Hunters are required to report their deer and turkey harvest within 24 hours either on the DEEP website (https://portal.ct.gov/DEEP-Report-Deer-Turkey-Harvest) or by calling a toll-free number (1 – 877-337‑4868).
- Deer hunters in Deer Management Zones 11 and 12 who take advantage of the Replacement Antlerless and Earn-a-Buck tag programs must complete this same tagging and reporting procedure prior to going to a check station that issues replacement tags.
- A listing of replacement tag vendors is available on the DEEP website.
- After reporting their harvest via the internet or by telephone, hunters will be given a confirmation number to write on their Harvest Tag. This confirmation number serves as proof that the harvest was legally reported.
Wear Fluorescent Orange: Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, more people have been participating in hunting and other outdoor activities, which potentially could create more hunter and non-hunter interactions in state land areas. Although hunters are required to wear fluorescent orange while participating in many types of hunting activities, it is highly recommended that all state land users wear an article of fluorescent orange during the hunting season to maintain a safe outdoor environment for everyone.
- Bowhunters are reminded that they must wear 400 square inches of fluorescent orange while walking to and from their tree stands during the firearms deer hunting season.
- However, once in a tree stand, elevated at least 10 feet off the ground, bowhunters may remove the fluorescent orange clothing.
- All private land archery hunters are required to carry a DEEP consent form signed by the landowner and dated for the current season. Consent forms can be found in the Hunting Guide or at https://portal.ct.gov/DEEPHunting.
- Deer permits and Resident Game Bird Conservation Stamps can be purchased online at https://portal.ct.gov/CTOutdoorLicenses or at participating town halls and vendors.
- Hunters should consult the DEEP website for an up-to-date listing of new state lands open to archery hunting.
Learn How to Get Started Hunting: Check out the Hunting Roadmap on the DEEP website to learn the steps needed to get started hunting in Connecticut: https://portal.ct.gov/DEEP/Hunting/Roadmaps/Hunting-Roadmap. There are roadmaps for all types of hunting, including deer and turkey hunting.