Fire On Bungay Road In Seymour

A pile of cigarettes in an ash tray caused a fire in the basement of a home at 69 Bungay Road Wednesday.

One man was taken to the hospital to be evaluated.

The man, 45, was sleeping next to the ash try when the fire started, according to Timm Willis, Seymour Deputy Fire Marshal.

The man’s mother arrived home and saw the house filled with smoke. She was able to wake her son, who was still asleep as smoke detectors sounded.

Firefighters got the call at about 6:30 p.m.

The fire was extinguished quickly and fire damage was contained to the basement bedroom. The smoke damage to the home was worse — Willis put the damage estimate around $30,000.

“If his mother didn’t come home, I think we would have been looking at a fatal fire,” Willis said. ​“The gentleman is very lucky to be alive.”

A pet bird made it out unscathed as well.

Firefighters were on the scene for about an hour.

Great Hill Hose Co. and Citizens Engine Co. #2 responded. A rapid intervention team from Oxford was there as back up.

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