Fishermen and their families dropped their baited hooks into the trout pond at Southford Falls State Park Saturday to officially open the 2010 fishing season.

The Department of Environmental Protection stocked nearly 390,000 trout into 103 lakes and ponds and 200 rivers and streams across the state.

Early Saturday morning the DEPs Burlington State Fish Hatchery delivered 380 one-pound brown and rainbow trout to the park on the Oxford-Southbury border and approximately 100 brood stock trout.

Bill Brooks, of Beacon Falls, was one of more than 100 fishermen at the pond Saturday celebrating opening day with his family.

Brooks said fishing gives him a chance to spend time with his four young children. It teaches them how to set goals, he said.

The way they do it is fun and keeps them interested,” he said. This is the perfect place to do it.”

Kenneth Dahn, also of Beacon Falls, said he has been fishing with his 20-year-old daughter every year since she was a toddler.

It is good for the kids, beginners and the pond is handicapped accessible,” he said.

Ken Rudd, of Bethel, a physician and father of six, said he spent time with his children to catch night crawlers to use for bait.

It is fun stuff and I love to do this,” he said. They (DEP) load up the lake so the kids can catch the fish.”

Fishermen are advised to consult the new 2010 Connecticut Angler’s Guide for the current fishing regulations that apply to the waters they plan to fish.

Jamie Hays, supervisor with the DEP said the pond will be continually stocked during the fishing season.

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