Former NFL Player To Visit Ansonia School

Former NFL Player and Author Tim Green will be appearing at Ansonia Middle School to speak with the seventh grade class on Thursday, Oct. 10, at 9:40 a.m. in the Dr. Richard F. Nicolari Auditorium.

Mr. Green, a New York resident, will present a copy of his newest book, Perfect Season,” to all members of the class.

We have a wonderful opportunity to have our students hear from Mr. Green,” said John Coppola, assistant principal of AMS. He has a great message for students to hear about setting goals and working hard to attain them. In addition, he is an athlete who knows that you must have a good education in order to be successful in life.”

Green, a former NFL player who was a member of the Atlanta Falcons for eight years, will speak for about 30 minutes, followed by a question and answer session with the students.

In addition to Perfect Season,” Mr. Green is the author of several sports books for young adults, which are based on his own experiences as an athlete and a coach.

He has visited more than 400 schools and addressed in excess of 400,000 students across the country.

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