Downtown Seymour is the place to be for families Sunday as townsfolk throw the Sixth Annual “Founders’ Day” celebration from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Click here for the event’s website.
The fun starts Sunday in Seymour’s business district (the area of Main Street, Bank Street, First Street and Columbus Street). There’s a rain date of Sunday, June 14.
But it’s not just about having a good time.
The local chapter of the American Legion — Emil Senger Post 10 — will be benefiting from this year’s event.
Post 10 will receive money from Founders Day to buy new uniforms for the members who attend the funerals of fellow U.S. military veterans. In addition, Post 10 wants to buy new computer equipment and a printer.
The day starts with the Legion posting the colors at 10 a.m.
The streets downtown will be lined with vendors, and downtown Seymour’s quaint shops and eateries will be open.
Children will enjoy a bounce house area sponsored by several town businesses.
Founders’ Day will also feature a beer garden and food court in the Seymour Town Hall parking lot off 1 First St.
Musical entertainment will be provided by “Bus Stop Annie” from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. in the beer garden.
Shuttle buses will be running between the Chatfield-LoPresti School on Skokorat Street and downtown Seymour during the event. Free parking is available in the Chatfield-LoPresti parking lot.
Free parking is also available in the Kerite lots on Day Street.
In addition, a shuttle will run from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. for tours of the Seymour Historical Society. The shuttles for the historical society will run from the parking lot on the corner of Broad Street and South Main Street.
The Americans Legion’s booth, by the way, will feature a bicycle raffle. A girl’s bike and a boy’s bike will be raffled off at the end of Founders’ Day. Tickets are a buck for one, $2 for three and $3 for five.
The American Legion booth will also house the Legion’s bell, which people can ring for a $1 donation!
In addition, the American Legion is accepting an array of donations to help veterans.
Suggested items to donate to the Legion include:
- Toothpaste
- Tooth brushes
- Shampoo
- Combs
- Soap
- Deodorant
- Socks
- Underwear
At their booth, members of the Legion will be accepting donations of toiletries will go directly to the VA Hospital in West Haven.
For every item donated, a free ticket to the bounce area will be given.
A donation box will also located at the ticket sales spot for the bounce house area.
Linda Bellavance is the president of the Seymour Founders’ Day Association.
In a prepared statement, she thanked area merchants and businesses who make the event possible through corporate donations.
The event is also made possible by contributions from the Valley Community Foundation and private donors.