We at Master’s Table wish you a very blessed New year.
A free community dinner presented by Master’s Table Community Meals, Inc. will take place Sunday, Jan. 25 from 3 to 5 p.m. at Christ Episcopal Church, 56 South Cliff St.
For more information call 203 – 732-7792.
In case of inclement weather call the number for updates.
A flier is below.
Hockey Fundraiser
Master’s Table is raising funds by selling Soundtigers hockey tickets (normally selling for $35) for $21.
The game is set for Saturday, Jan. 17 at Harbor Yard Arena in Bridgeport.
Anyone who is interested in purchasing any tickets should visit www.masterstablemeals.org or call 203 – 732 — 7792 (leaving their name and phone number) for more information.
Click here for the Master’s Table Facebook page.