I am disapointed that a political road-block, led by Democratic State Representative Mike Lawlor, kept the Gadsden Flag, showing ​“Don’t Tread On Me!,” the first U. S. Navy Jack, to be flown atop the Connecticut State Capitol during a demonstration by the Tea Party.
Considered one of the First Flags of the United States, the flag was replaced by the current Stars and Stripes (or Old Glory).
Since the Revolution, the flag has seen times opf reintroduction as a symbol of American Patriotism, and as a symbol of disagreement with the government.
I believe,the fact that the Democratic controlled, Connecticut General Assemby, denied the flag from being flown atop the the State Capitol, will further, come back to haunt the Democrats in the November U. S. Congressional elections.
Denying the Gadsden Flag to be flown atop the Capitol, in my opinion, is the refusal to recognize or acknowledge, our constitutional right of ​“Freedom of Enterprise.”
Editors note: Click here for more on this issue.
Stan Muzyk has been a Derby resident since 1936. He attended Derby and Shelton Schools. He is a former Derby Police Commissioner and served on the Derby Middle School Building Committee. He is currently on the Greenway Committee. He and his father, Stanley, Sr., both managed finance and food businesses in downtown Derby. He is a dedicated advocate for ​“what’s good for the City of Derby!”