I support the re-election of Jim Della Volpe as Mayor because he is the clear choice for this important position. He demonstrates kindness and civility towards his constituents, integrity in his conduct of the office and determination in his approach to the future. He is the best choice.
Mayor Della Volpe has skillfully guided Ansonia through the brutal “Great Recession” which began under a Republican President supported by his very opponents who now want to take over the reins of government. The mayor protected vital services such as education, public safety and public works.
Only after careful thought and deliberation did he make the necessary difficult decisions that leaders must make when others, including his opponents, offered gimmicks disguised as policy proposals.
For example, he is only recently being criticized for not phasing in property revaluation, despite the great risks attached to this idea.
This proposal was never considered or suggested by his opponents until a week or two before the political election season concluded. Let me be clear that the mayor understands, as do policy experts, that a phase in may seem attractive at first to people who do not understand that it can cause commercial and industrial values to bear a disproportionate share of the tax burden. This could be a fatal blow to already struggling businesses or a serious setback to efforts to attract new businesses that would otherwise invest in the community.
Further, it could mean dramatic cutbacks in services such as police protection for the elderly and our children and education for our students. Any attempt at property tax revaluation must be considered carefully and soberly, instead of as an election season ploy.
The local Republicans are also making empty and misleading promises to our senior citizens concerning property taxes with false claims of further tax relief for our elderly residents.
As someone who fights for our seniors in Hartford on a regular basis, I can spot the difference between a serious proposal and an empty election promise when I see it.
Their proposal is a gimmick since the senior citizen circuit breaker is already state law and has been since 2006.
However, please be aware that this option sets out strict qualifying criteria before it can be used. Any other tax proposals being offered do not contain state funding or reimbursement. Making promises for senior tax relief that is not reimbursed by state funds should either identify the source to make up for the loss in tax revenue or name those vital service cuts that would be sacrificed to pay for this election season Republican gimmick.
I believe our senior citizens deserve honest proposals that are based on facts. Making false promises to them for political purposes is just not fair and it is exactly the kind of thing that gives public servants a bad name.
Mayor Della Volpe has been straight with the people of Ansonia. I believe he deserves re-election.
The writer, an Ansonia resident and a Democrat, is a state representative for Ansonia and Derby.